Now Project Stories by Date

Palm Beach County residents were asked:

Please share a story, idea, personal experience, or something you’ve witnessed that will help future generations understand what it was like to live through and cope with 2020.

All responses are shared below by date (newest to oldest). Click ZOOM IN to learn more about the resident and how they interpreted their response.

Jul 20, 2020

One Day at A Time

My name is Kim. With this Pandemic I’ve experienced ups/downs/frustration/aggravation/ but most of all how to pray more. I can’t say that I’m 100% back to normal I just try and deal wit this COVID day by day. It took a toll on me in the beginning my anxiety level went sky high. I can say that it was a learning experience on how to better prepare for the worst. I do believe It will help me better in the future with patience for many people.
Jul 20, 2020

Living with Faith 2020

2020 has been a journey alittle challenging but I’m making it through by the grace of God I’m thankful for his grace and mercy I did have covid back in June but I made it through it was a little tough for 2 days and after that I was good so yes I am a covid-19 survivor…. my God is able
Jul 20, 2020

#25 (Story #16)

I am a small business owner and had to shut down because I sell food. It was hard to take care of my family without being able to run my business. I ended up closing down.
Jul 20, 2020


My Personsal experience after losing 100% of my small Fitness business, I intially started to shutdown and feel slightly depressed. After about 2 weeks of just sitting around the house doing nothing (except trying to apply for unemployment). and not going out. I knew that I could not continue on this path. I started reaching out to my contracted business partners offering to partner together to conduct online classes, with them as the financial supporter. At that time, I was familiar with ZOOM platform, but had not never created or hosted an event or meeting myself. I took time to get more familiar with the tool (as I knew it would need to become my new best friend).I invited some friends to take a TEST class to give constructive feedback and my new online business was birthed. I learned that Covid 19, although challenging, but not a hopeless time and that it is an opportunity for some to reinvent themselves virtually, if only for during Covid season!
Jul 20, 2020

Children displaced.

During this time the hardest time was being away from my children. Due to me having to work and there being no Child care, being responsible I had to send my children to Georgia to have adequate care daily. Working pushes me out of my home for 8 hours sometimes 9 and it would be unfair for them to stay home alone.
Jul 20, 2020


Seven months into 2020 and it feels like seven life times. 2020 is a year that needs its on history book just for the first seven months and several editions for the remaining five months. I never imagined in 2020 I would bury my father. I never imagined we would be walking around with face mask on or wearing gloves due to a virus with no cure. I never imagined that a man by the name of George Floyd would bring the whole world to their feet and scream JUSTICE!! I never thought people would burn down buildings, turn over cars, and walk miles in efforts to bring change to an oppressed system against the black race. I never thought that a young lady would be lying in her bed and shot to death by police officers or a young unarmed man out for a run and would be killed by two cowards who felt threaten.These stories have always been a part of the history of the black race. However, 2020 is the year that white, brown and black people were sick of the injustice by law enforcement and other senseless acts. Therefore, we joined forces to fight until we have permanent change. When you think of 2020, think of a year when people looked pass the color of one’s skin and unified in order to create undeniable change.

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