Residents were asked, “Please share a story, idea, personal experience, or something you’ve witnessed that will help future generations understand what it was like to live through and cope with 2020.“ Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”
Mrs pearl is a 79 year old native of boynton beach. She has recently suffered the lost of her husband. She is a retired nurse and she says she is adjusting to living alone. The one thing mrs wilson would like to share with the younger generation. That it has not been easy at times being african-american when it comes to credit,housing,cars and jobs. She advises them to stay in school and get a decent education.
La vida de las madre
Me quede sin trabajo me toco se maestra de mi hija y no se ingles mi hija ni copera y se ponen muy agresiva cuando esta en las clase por zoom yo estoy muy frustrada trato de hacer la limpieza diaria pero ni se puede con los niños y las clase para completar tengo que estar buscando a alguien que me acompañe a la tienda cuando necesito algo porque no puedo bajar a los nene por cuidarlo a vece puedo ordenar en linea pero no siempre porque piden mínimos y la situacion no esta para malgastar. Mi papa esta muy…
Julia frazier was born right here in boynton beach in december of 1946. Things were great! They were so different. We were taught if you see an adult …You speak. If someone grown in the neighborhood say you did something…Well guess what you did it..If you disputed an elder you got a whipping!There were no guns,loud music and if you saw an elder you said… Yes ma’am or no ma’am when they asked you a question.
You can be up today and down tomorrow don’t take life for granted.
Ms eva hollis is the mother of 14 adult children. Her daughter,earline(71) prepare breakfast and lunch for her on a daily basis. She moves pretty slow. However,she is swift in memory. One of her son lives with her. Mrs eva is 96 years young. She says that covid 19 is so sad. Many have lost their lives with this virus. I stay in the house unless i must see my doctor. People should obey and stay home!
Heart breaking effect
Well as an African America young woman i find it very heartbreaking to see our brothers and sisters hurt in such a tragic way.
I haven bee. Through a lot cling you have been rob by the police beat up and lot of many thing that’s not worth talking about but it’s time for a chase
Claretha light is has been in boynton beach since a little girl. She was raised by her father coming from georgia. She is a petite lady and is 84 years of age.she feels like this has been happening to blacks for as long as she can remember. The killings by cops is the new lynching,tar and feathering. I just don’t know if it will ever stop. We have been marching since martin luther king,jr. The youth of today,we have failed them! The youth are tired of promises not being fulfilled.
Living in 2020 was different and everyone had to adapt to the change quickly.
2020 gone BAD
2020 has been a horrific year.
Mrs martha moody is 90 years young and she lives alone in a senior retirement community. Her next door neighbor takes really good care of her.her closest relative is her nephew and he lives in vero beach.the virus has denied her the willingness to worship at first presbyterian church for all of 40 years. She receives meals from the senior care program of cdc. She thinks the day will come when this virus leaves and take alot more citizens with it. Mrs martha also hopes that the policemen are reckoned with all over when they do horrible things to blacks….
As a black male i have definitely felt over powdered by the system even though i was a good kid i was stereotyped because i had dreads
#AnneYEC2020 (Story #110)
Not being able to work full time at work but I stay positive and willing to do anything for my health
What I witness is people who are truly in need and just being able to help out and give to others is just a blessing. You start realizing that your problem are nothing.
Surviving the Pandemic
Its been hard living thru 2020, if not the deaths all over the country, its been the virus which has taken so many innocent lives, then theres people struggeling to get by with all the businesses closing, food banks running empty everyday, the propaganda with the government, not wanting to help financially, ? Stimulus, and people out robbing homes, people on streets, and then theres people waiting to see what loved ones will survive , waiting on the vaccine, im 59 yrs old, i do not remember a year in my life were i was so afraid wondering if my…
Mrs jean sliwa is a 79 years young. When i called her,she was just getting home from having wine with her friends. Mrs sliwa loves life! She says that what her mad is that while she takes daily walks at ocean park in boynton beach. She is approached by those that don’t think that mask are of importance. But,i do and they are endangering my life. With the black lives matters, i am appalled at the treatment that is handed down on people of color. It is very frustrating.
#FedYEC2020 (Story #96)
Can go out with my family like we used to and everytime we do go out we are scared that were going to get the virus
“El 2020 cambio mi vida”
Este año sin duda quedara en la historia,muchas cosas an cambiado personalmente esta pandemia nos a afectado mucho ami familia y ami. Me enferme de tanto estres se me empezo a caer el pelo a puños algo que nunca me habia pasado me preocupe fui al doctor y me dieron medicamento oara el estres pero me mantenia dirmida, decidi no tomar nada solo hacer calma poco a poco empese a mejorar, pero todo se empeoro otraves cuando comenzaron las clases de mis hijos, fue cun cambio muy grande para ellos yo tuve que dejar de trabajar para estar con ellos…
Children displaced.
During this time the hardest time was being away from my children. Due to me having to work and there being no Child care, being responsible I had to send my children to Georgia to have adequate care daily. Working pushes me out of my home for 8 hours sometimes 9 and it would be unfair for them to stay home alone.
My Personsal experience after losing 100% of my small Fitness business, I intially started to shutdown and feel slightly depressed. After about 2 weeks of just sitting around the house doing nothing (except trying to apply for unemployment). and not going out. I knew that I could not continue on this path. I started reaching out to my contracted business partners offering to partner together to conduct online classes, with them as the financial supporter. At that time, I was familiar with ZOOM platform, but had not never created or hosted an event or meeting myself. I took time to…
grateful to God and life for one more opportunity
2020 a year with much to tell. where you realized that life is the most beautiful thing that God has given us where we learned to be more human where we realized that it does not matter the title, position or how high it is when the virus Attack no position, we learned that life can go away in an instant definitely a difficult year all change if we are still counting being here alive let us thank God and strength for all those who lost a family member I wish for all that 2021 be …
We had issues with my kid’s senior year activities. His school does quite a bit for seniors during the spring semester. He missed prom, they postponed and had a crappy graduation ceremony, and they were unable to do their after graduation party referred to as Project Graduation. We had to do a “drive-thru” graduation ceremony. It was so hard on him. However, the counselors did call all the students to check on them throughout the rest of the semester. He senior speech was chosen to be used in their online graduation memoriam, and it…
No Help
I am disabled and don’t drive. This mess has really got to me I don’t drive and they don’t deliver food or meds here so its been real hard to get stuff when I need it. I can’t even get to the dr or vet for my service dog.
Who knew!
2020 has taught me that being my own boss and being financially stable is the best thing that I can do for myself and family.
One of the most tragic and scary is the fact that we cannot visit loved ones. Loved ones that are in hospitals dying,dis-eased and families that cannot lay their eyes on those that are hospitalized.
Seven months into 2020 and it feels like seven life times. 2020 is a year that needs its on history book just for the first seven months and several editions for the remaining five months. I never imagined in 2020 I would bury my father. I never imagined we would be walking around with face mask on or wearing gloves due to a virus with no cure. I never imagined that a man by the name of George Floyd would bring the whole world to their feet and scream JUSTICE!! I never thought people would burn down…
The Times
Ive witnessed several events throughout 2020 that will forever be in or memories. Between the Pandemic and the Police murders of unarmed black men and civilians, it a lot to deal with and understand. I think what will help future generations is us explaining to them the past the present and get them to understand what it takes to make change in the future. We all learn from experiences and I think it teaches the younger generation to get and be more involved and active, i think they will understand better how to speak up for what they feel is…
Starting My Business
2020 has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and start my business so that I have multiple streams of income
#14 (Story #53)
Mary jane planter is an 85 year old working at bethesda east in the cafeteria. She enjoys spending time with her son and his planter feels that the injustice seen all around the united states is a disregard for human life. No wonder,people are marchung and singing they have every right to…This is bad!
Mr lloyd sukhu is from bengali. He lives with his wife maywantie. Mr lloyd will be celebrating his 76th birthday september 28th.he and his family moved to boynton beach 20 years ago. He received a triple by pass about 3 years ago. He and his wife now babysit their beautiful grandboy with lots of humility. The suhku believe that his virus came as apunishment from the creator.
I am yvonne fisher. I didn’t think i would live to be 87 years of age. After battling covid19,a few months ago. I spent five(5) days at bethesda west. This virus still has me weak. Mrs fisher has lots of energy to burn. But due to covid19,she is temporarily using a walker for daily exercis. She is a fighter and she has many grandchildren to raise in new york. This lady was use to driving home to new york for family reunions.mrs fisher has a 31 year old chef for a grandson that lives in miami. He shops and prepares…
Cynthia davis is a 73 years old single woman. She lives with not being extremely mobile due to experiencing a stroke years ago. She manages with the assistance of family and neighbors. She says god shut the entire world down with covid19. That is because he’s a angry god.he wants everybody to listen to his spiritual guidance. As for me,i am content my monies are direct deposited,i have prepared meals and get to my doctor’s appointments when needed.
Living through 2020 was a wake up call. The things I thought i was doing that was important really wasnt so important at all.Unemployment has hit America hard.
We need our families and friends.
Initially, COVID really impacted my mental health. I always knew how much my friends and family meant to me but I never expected to not be able to see them from several months at a time. Being in the house, not being able to run at parks or not being able to se my friends really made me feel a b it depressed. I was missing families birthdays and weddings were cancelled. I had recently graduated from college and couldn’t have a proper graduation or celebration. Everything felt wrong. I felt alone and I felt disconnect from the world. That…
Covid-19 (Story #66)
Personal experience from covid-19 was my senior year was canceled. Things was going so well and all of a sudden the world shut down.
#25 (Story #49)
Mrs everlene baker is a native of boynton beach. She is so glad that god has allowed her to see 73 years of age on june 24th. She is a mother to angie,53 yrs old. Who teaches at lake worth high school . She is also her mother’s caregiver. Everlene has suffered from two(2) strokes in the past five(5) years.everlene feels this virus was an act of god due to all the wickedness in the owrld . She believe we must take heed and magnify his name and trust and obey his word.
Mrs katherine todd comes to boynton beach by way of georgia in 1990. She is 91 year young.she suffers from no major illnesses. Mrs todd has had a cornea transplant. The virus has kept her away from friends . She has one living son that she hasn’t seen this year.
Covid Affects
Because of the covid situation I, I have been forced to move out of my home due to the lack of steady income. I went from making $800 a week to $350 every two weeks. I have went from a stable home to not knowing where i’m going to sleep every night. It has really been tough because I have 4 kids that depend on me. Ages 11, 10, 7 and 9 months. Due to the fact that I don’t have reliable transportation, its makes it even harder to find a better job or resources that can help me climb…
The Kids
This has been crazy being stuck at home. I think my kids have had it hardest bc they can’t see their friends or really participate in any activities. The food distributions and community feedings have been awesome. It saves some money from the limited funds that are no longer coming in.
Live in the present!
Never take life for granted. 2020 changed drastically within a month, due to Covid 19.
My name is Barbara my 3 children and I have Asthma. My self and 10 year old have chronic asthma. This started for us March 23,2020. Our lives will be changed forever. My job closed its door for a few weeks. I said what would I do now. On top of that We have breathing issues that we go through already sometimes on a daily basis. Due to covid which affects people with asthma. We now have been subject to wear masks and isolate ourselves from our family as well as friends. I started getting panic attacks which have never…
#2020 (Story #88)
Something I’ve witnessed in 2020 is riots and people dying because of in COVID-19
I an michelle d white lives born and raised in boynton beach. Historically,i come from a long line of civil-rights activist. Especially when the blacks were trying to integrate the beaches in broward county which they successfully did. The beach today is known as a landmark beach von d mizell-eula johnson state park.eula johnson was my aunt. My aunt eula owned a gas station in the 1960’s. Not many african-americans were likely too not even now. The von d mizell-eula johnson state park was known 60 years ago as the john u lloyd state park colored beach. It is…
#25 (Story #16)
I am a small business owner and had to shut down because I sell food. It was hard to take care of my family without being able to run my business. I ended up closing down.
I am mary jones 83 years old. I have lived in boynton beach since 1981. I am originally from cuthbert,georgia. I have a 25 years young grandson with this virus. He resides in in atlanta,georgia. This has affected his family. I am trying to stay clear of the virus. I will take her some microban on tomorrow.she has another grandson that resides with her, he runs all errands.
#14 (Story #51)
Virginia bulger has been living in boynton beach all her life. She lives in the home of her mother where she was actually born some 83 years ago. She is a descendant of the bahamas. She has been a member of the church of god-boynton beach for life. She firmly believes that god has been angered and we need to abide and listen to him. There is not one thing that man can do or knows regarding this virus.
Continue to focus and Educate Yourself no matter how bad it may seem.
Never the same
2020 was a wild year. Alot of thing’s changed and alot of things will never be the same.
Working with young boys who think that sports are the only thing in the world. Watching them experience that sports can be gone in a second and education will always be an option.
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