My job is slow ever since the coronavirus occurred
Racism and Health: Yes
#FedYEC2020 (Story #96)
Can go out with my family like we used to and everytime we do go out we are scared that were going to get the virus
The year of 2020
We had to do online school
#AnneYEC2020 (Story #110)
Not being able to work full time at work but I stay positive and willing to do anything for my health
The Kids
This has been crazy being stuck at home. I think my kids have had it hardest bc they can’t see their friends or really participate in any activities. The food distributions and community feedings have been awesome. It saves some money from the limited funds that are no longer coming in.
I personally seen my church help out tons of people every week with a good pantry . I feel like we all have to think about others in the pandemic. And we will overcome it by the grace of God
Starting My Business
2020 has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and start my business so that I have multiple streams of income
My name is Barbara my 3 children and I have Asthma. My self and 10 year old have chronic asthma. This started for us March 23,2020. Our lives will be changed forever. My job closed its door for a few weeks. I said what would I do now. On top of that We have breathing issues that we go through already sometimes on a daily basis. Due to covid which affects people with asthma. We now have been subject to wear masks and isolate ourselves from our family as well as friends. I started getting panic attacks which have never happened before. I felt scared to leave my home. Fear was taking over. My girls 15 year old and 10 year old started getting panic attacks. In the middle of the night my 15 year old Priscilla would just start crying could not take being closed in our home she could not sleep. We had not seen the streets in weeks except for looking outside the windows. On top of what was already going on a cousin of mine died due to covid she was 44 years old. Mother of 3 children she worked for transit. Hearing people around me getting sick some of my church family getting covid. It hit to close to home. I woke up one night and said enough is enough fear will not control me or my home. I Started praying and asking God to remove any fear I have allowed in my mind out. Out in the name of Jesus. Fear cannot and will not have control over me or my children. For we belong to an Almighty POWERFUL GOD.I had to pray it out. Praise and worship more than ever. Reminding my children that God is in control of it all. Of our lives. He is our provider. The air we breathe. I had to take a stand in my home. I was not alone God was right there. Phil 4 :13 I can do ALL things with CHRIST who strengthen me. I will not be afraid. Peace trust and believe. My children first day out was when I heard a food pantry needed volunteers .I said to myself this is God opening the door for you to be of help and step out in faith knowing God will cover me and my home. We prayed and trusted God and went. So many families in need. People who have lost their jobs. Its real. My 17 year old Jeremias said mom this church is full of love. Pastor Cobb and Lady lisa are amazing I said to him. I cried with them in the car. This was just a way of God reminded me he got it all.
What I witness is people who are truly in need and just being able to help out and give to others is just a blessing. You start realizing that your problem are nothing.
Covid Affects
Because of the covid situation I, I have been forced to move out of my home due to the lack of steady income. I went from making $800 a week to $350 every two weeks. I have went from a stable home to not knowing where i’m going to sleep every night. It has really been tough because I have 4 kids that depend on me. Ages 11, 10, 7 and 9 months. Due to the fact that I don’t have reliable transportation, its makes it even harder to find a better job or resources that can help me climb out of my situation.