Motivation: They have strong beliefs

A complaint about the condition of the world as a hold

The corona virus impacted my life in many ways:1. My job, I am unable to work at all2. I am unable to shop, because I am 80 Years old3. Some of my family members have been infected4. It has been difficult to communicate with friends or loved ones because we are unable to visit each other5. I miss dining out in restaurants very very much

Family Survival during Rona-19

I came to GA from FL to find and purchase a home on 3/4. I am living with my daughter, son in law, granddaughters & visually impaired great great grandson. I am in awe at the team we have become. We game plan on our needs of mask, disinfections, toilet tissue, food, walks, essential errands and entertainment.


There is nothing that can be done about the Virus especially under this administration, I follow the rules. I have plenty to do at home. Although, I go out when I need too. Hope and praying is the key,I lost my 84 yr old oldest Sister to the Virus on March 25th and she will have graveside services on April 20th. It took awhile because her husband was also diagnosed with the Virus . He is a survivor.Her two(2) daughters are essential workers , She has one as a traveling Nurse in Georgia and the other works as a driver for Fed-Ex. She says that I keep them in Pray!

#19 Who could be that MEAN?

This is one of the most compelling stories . She did not realize how devastating this Virus is/was..Until it took her oldest Sister.s life on a Wednesday in the middle of March. Her sister did not wake up that morning. She thought who could be that MEAN?? This is not an act of the ALMIGHTY. She is very agitated with our national leader. Because,our national leader mentioned that the Virus started in January of 2020. This is false information, she states. By the way, her sister’s husband also tested positive for the Virus. But he is a survivor.Her interment has been postponed until next weekend.


I never thought that I would have to be in protective gear like gloves,facial covering to run to the grocery to pick-up a few items and to come home an cautiously take off all the clothing you wore to the grocery store and disinfect your car, home and more importantly your body after arriving back from the grocery or any place else. This is like a nightmare that could have been avoided by all leaders agreeing to freeze the movement of its people in a timely manner.


It is so much arguing in our Government,just too much bickering for our Country to come to any definite decision much sooner as to how to get the American people SAFE, It has taken weeks and weeks to get us where we need to be,,,As a result many have died with the Government carelessly handling our LIVES. I,myself have been,so to speak quarantined for years due to 4 strokes. But,I get along fine. My daughter brings be whatever I need and handles my bills,

#6 Prepared Meals

The virus has not given me an opportunity to visit my wife my of over 40 years. SO.i must solely depend on the nursing facility to care for her, not being able to lay my eyes on her is very frustrating for her as well as for me. I, not only miss her, voice but her gently calling my name and praying with her, This virus should be calm by now. But the leadership of this country is does not place value on our lives. I.must depend on charitable organizations for prepared meals and it is a mystery to know who has and who does not have the virus, I depended on an organizatipn but now they no longer exist.

#4 Man Has Failed Us

Man has failed us. God’s will must be done. I have never heard of so many dying in our Community as with this mess,the corona virus, it has taken a neighbor of over 40 years and that is unthinkable for me. We have raised children together enjoyed each other’s birthday and special times together. Life has changed greatly by wearing these uncomfortable mask,gloves. I will be celebrating 85 years of living eight(8) days from now with noone to share it with. I enjoy doing and going places. And cooking for those less fortunate to have a meal especially this holiday season. I guess me and my husband will be coloring eggs and eating them.


I have been working from home due to the work schedule change with the pandemic. I have a friend who is a single mom, with 3 small children. Mom has not been able to get her wifi service connected and her 3 elementary school children were unable to participate in the virtual classroom setting or get their school work done on time. Mom also had the opportunity to work during those 2 days. I offered to help her for 2 days while she fixed her issue with comcast. In those 2 days I learned so much from them. I learned about the struggles young families have in getting the children on the District website, looking for the assignments that need to be worked on, and the old keeping them on task regiment. I had to put all 3 in separate rooms with makes shift desks. The three year old had some fine motor skills to work on, he did great!I am divorced and my son is 24. I forgot what is was like to have kids in the house. I only had one child so three was quite a challenge. I am proud to say I still managed to get my work done daily. Hats off to all moms and dad struggling to be a teacher. I had some funny moments with them and realized how resilient these children are. I was on a conference call at one point, and I sensed someone slithering on the floor (I had told them I would be on a conference call and could not be disturbed). The 3 year old was trying not to disturb me so he slithered all the way from the doorway to my desk to ask if he was allowed to have a cookie, seems like an appropriate time to get a YES response. One they all finished their schoolwork we went outside to do an Art project. On the second day I was asked when the fine arts class was going to take place. Yes, I did read a book to them about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and we did work on a Jackson Pollack action painting project, the first day. On the second day of our fine arts class we made fabric masks from a t’shirt. The children painted a design on the fabric and then we cut them to size. The 3 year put his mask on and instead of seeing himself as a fictional hero character, he said he was a Doctor. The real heroes of there time. The entire healthcare community who are working hard during this crisis.

A change needs to be made

The Corona Virus has impacted my Job and my schooling, it caused both my job and school to close down.