Rules or Any Means: --


You have to be strong and persevere. COVID-19 cut down my ability to earn extra money to help support my family because I cater events and all events were canceled this hindered me from being able to pay my bills. I was working part time and I needed the money to support my household and it just wasn’t there, and month after month the bills just got higher and higher. My husband was on dialysis and he wasn’t able to support the family like he wanted to. Then on Thanksgiving day of 2020 I witnessed the death of my husband with having my own health issues and I still had to be strong and push through all of the pain.

grateful to God and life for one more opportunity

2020 a year with much to tell. where you realized that life is the most beautiful thing that God has given us where we learned to be more human where we realized that it does not matter the title, position or how high it is when the virus Attack no position, we learned that life can go away in an instant definitely a difficult year all change if we are still counting being here alive let us thank God and strength for all those who lost a family member I wish for all that 2021 be a year in victory and let’s get out of this uncertainty healing and peace for the whole world amen


It is difficult times for all because many people dying.I have my mother with me and I have to give her support and take care of her.Praying for all that God helped us.

Surviving the Pandemic

Its been hard living thru 2020, if not the deaths all over the country, its been the virus which has taken so many innocent lives, then theres people struggeling to get by with all the businesses closing, food banks running empty everyday, the propaganda with the government, not wanting to help financially, ? Stimulus, and people out robbing homes, people on streets, and then theres people waiting to see what loved ones will survive , waiting on the vaccine, im 59 yrs old, i do not remember a year in my life were i was so afraid wondering if my self, or my loved ones would survive this year, i can only keep praying we make it to 2021


What I witness is people who are truly in need and just being able to help out and give to others is just a blessing. You start realizing that your problem are nothing.


Mrs catherinr hinson is an 85 year old widow. She was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago as a-symptomatic for covid 19. She is a retired teacher and a proud graduate of an hbcu-bethune-cookman university. She has stood with many causes that have affected change in the black community. Hwe covid 19 respoonse is that it is real. Mrs hinson feels that she went out just a little too much. Her son,efrem,vows to do all errands until this pandemic is over.


Mr lloyd sukhu is from bengali. He lives with his wife maywantie. Mr lloyd will be celebrating his 76th birthday september 28th.he and his family moved to boynton beach 20 years ago. He received a triple by pass about 3 years ago. He and his wife now babysit their beautiful grandboy with lots of humility. The suhku believe that his virus came as apunishment from the creator.


Ms ponticello is a 73 year old recluse. She very seldom answer her door or phone. It is always a hit or miss with her. Today was a good day!Ms ponticello has had her chihuahua taken from her by the hoa after the dog attacked a resident. She is receiving meals from cdc senior meal program.she feels as though the pandemic has left us in a state of disbelief and not knowing where and who to turn. Ms jan is mow wondering when will this be over.


Mrs geneva wilkins and her husband have lived in boynton for about 46 years. There homes sits on a corner with a well-manicured lawn.they are of low- imcome but you will never kmow it. She worked in the homes of the wealthy and there was never a penny taken from her pay for social security benefits. This has happened to many black helps all over. Mrs wilkins feels that cannot take the risk.she has loss alot during this pandemic not able to cook and people come and purchase her food. Mr wilkins tries to have rummage sales on the weekends to make a buck but due to covid 19. All she can testify to is that god has watched over she and her husband,


Mrs pearl is a 79 year old native of boynton beach. She has recently suffered the lost of her husband. She is a retired nurse and she says she is adjusting to living alone. The one thing mrs wilson would like to share with the younger generation. That it has not been easy at times being african-american when it comes to credit,housing,cars and jobs. She advises them to stay in school and get a decent education.