Solutions: Solutions to problems


We had issues with my kid’s senior year activities. His school does quite a bit for seniors during the spring semester. He missed prom, they postponed and had a crappy graduation ceremony, and they were unable to do their after graduation party referred to as Project Graduation. We had to do a “drive-thru” graduation ceremony. It was so hard on him. However, the counselors did call all the students to check on them throughout the rest of the semester. He senior speech was chosen to be used in their online graduation memoriam, and it was chosen for the statewide senior recognition.

Surviving the Pandemic

Its been hard living thru 2020, if not the deaths all over the country, its been the virus which has taken so many innocent lives, then theres people struggeling to get by with all the businesses closing, food banks running empty everyday, the propaganda with the government, not wanting to help financially, ? Stimulus, and people out robbing homes, people on streets, and then theres people waiting to see what loved ones will survive , waiting on the vaccine, im 59 yrs old, i do not remember a year in my life were i was so afraid wondering if my self, or my loved ones would survive this year, i can only keep praying we make it to 2021


It is difficult times for all because many people dying.I have my mother with me and I have to give her support and take care of her.Praying for all that God helped us.


Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.

A different kind of year

The year 2020 will definitely be one to remember. So much happened and so many life lessons were learned. I personally have learned to appreciate life way more. I don’t take anything for granted anymore. We lost so many people this year and lived in a way that we’ve only seen in movies.

#2020 (Story #88)

Something I’ve witnessed in 2020 is riots and people dying because of in COVID-19

#FedYEC2020 (Story #96)

Can go out with my family like we used to and everytime we do go out we are scared that were going to get the virus