The Caronavirus impacted my life by me not working. Ive been paid off.
Solutions: Solutions to problems
Well, things are very different for us all. This time has allowed My Family to become closer. Not being able to do the normal things you would have taught us how to stay home, cook more, and save money.
It takes me away from my kids because I have to work due to the fact that I am a RN. My son wants to workout but he cant its all a process that we have to over come
These days shall pass
The Coronavirus has had an impact on my life. It has changed the way we do thing on a daily basis. I lost a family member due to the virus and I have another family member in the hospital on ICU. The I was unable to attend the funeral because of the limited number of people allowed to be there. I was sad because I wanted to be there to show my support. Many people are walking around with the virus and may not know it. Its challenging for folks in my community to get tested because there are no testing sites here. We have to travel to west Delray and the lines are usually long. There is a lot going on and people are making efforts to help each other but we as people have to take this virus serious because it is no joke.
Life of virus
This crazy virus impact my life so much until it made my life a little miserable. To the point I wouldnt even see how it feels to graduate high school in my cap and gown after all the hard work and test I have been taking to get where I need to be now I feel like everything in my power wasnt worth it all those night I stayed up studying and working on homework
Built to last
Well the virus hasnt impacted my life directly, but people has lost job, loss loved ones and is living in fear of the unknown.
Corona Changes
Ive become more cautious about what I touch and I even started washing my hands more than I usually do .
Athletes need justice
My name is coach Walker I can say that this virus has impacts a whole lot .Also Im a track coach for Fast lane track club . I train my athletes for them to compete on a beat level also to get them into a d1 college what that being said I cant even train them anymore and they all depends on me wow man what a life that sucks I cant help my athletes out .
Bad virus
By impacting my education also playing football doing what I do and love best
Elderly not forgotten
I am grateful and appreciative for the support of community in ensuring that the elderly are taken care of. Meals are delivered several times a week by various individuals. Neighbors are calling to offer encouragement and comfort. This is specially needed because some elderly ones live aloneOr no longer have relatives leaving nearly by or because of social distancing to care for their needs.