Solutions: Solutions to problems

Teen mom

Hello the corona impacted my life as a teen mother. How? Because I couldn’t have a experienced of my 1 child a baby shower also I couldn’t take no pictures or anything then I’m having my baby in this virus is even worse I just pray god watch and protect over me


All of my VA appointments have been canceled and I have no way of getting any pain medications for my Leg or shoulder. My surgery has been postponed until further notice due to the coronavirus. Also, the lack of essentials such as toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, bleach, and hand sanitizers at grocery stores. Wearing a mask when going out to public places can be irritating.

Athletic Response

Coronavirus has put a major impact in my community. Everything has been shut down for about two months. Athletes cannot get a full workout in parts been close weight room facilities has been closed the economy is just losing money because of this virus. I truly believe you’re doing the right thing but we need to put something in motion that shows we moving in the right direction.


Corona has impacted me and my family member life because some have been laid off their jobs and can’t afford things already I’m also having a difficult time because me being home I don’t have internet to complete my college work good thing I’m a member of student aces and they help me get a laptop and access to WiFi.

Self Reflection

During this pandemic situation this has impacted my life because now I look at life a little different now I don’t take things for granted and it has given me a whole new prospective on . I has increased my prayer life and i spend more time reading God’s word and talking to my family and loving on them more. Trying to tell people that I love them. Just taking time to reflect on life and self gratification.

My shoe game

There were some new air maxes that I was trying to purchase, but due to the stores closing I’ll just have to wait until they reopen.

Store without production

There are less customers coming to my store and it’s hard for me to provide fore my family, people aren’t staying home and many are getting sick. My sister lost her job, We aren’t getting new products because of the shipping is refusing.


My oldest son splits time between our house and his moms. He is at his moms and I go down to visit him once a week. We take a social distance walk around his neighborhood. We miss him and it’s hard not having him here some of the time.

Chaneling my mother

The corona virus has impacted my life by limiting what activities I can do outside my house. I have not been able to travel to visit family in other states, requiring utilization of technology such as zoom and facetime to connect to distant family. I am usually active at least three times a week with volunteer activities and since these are community based I have had to limit these to just a few that I can do from home. This virus has caused me to work on, not yet complete, in home projects, which I report to my family as means to channel my mother. A women, who lived to 103 years old, who was always busy and was not afraid to take apart an appliance or sewing machine that was not working. I have broken apart two sewing machines with broken gears, and realize that my mask sewing project may never get started. So… moved on to removing paint from chairs and tables.

Quarantine with 3 plus me

Being in Quarantine due to COVID-19 is great at times and challenging in others. I am a mother of 3 school age children and am currently working from home. Finding balance between work and assisting the kids with their school work has been challenge that I am currently working. I am grateful for the full support of my kids teachers in providing lessons and following up with their educational needs. The struggle is when I try to focus on my work but still need to facilitate and support the kids learning ( answer questions, work on practice problems, review skills they are struggling with and provide attention. I feel guilty and feel like I am not always giving them the attention that they need to thrive in the virtual school setting. On the flip side, we are engaging in more crafting activities and bonding in new ways. Apart from spending time with family, I am personally taking time after I finish my work to focus on my personal growth by reading, taking notes and journaling to keep my sanity.