Mr Thompson says That he and his Wife aren’t fearful. However,they are witnessing relatives and friends with this fear. The Fear of not knowing how and why is consistently on the World’s mind.He says.people are using the mask and gloves incorrectly. By the way,mrs Thompson is a retired nurse.
Solutions: Solutions to problems
#63 I don’t Want to leave This Earth As Is
Mrs Johnson is a 95 yr old and she will be celebrating her 96th next week.She is currently living with her daughter, Recently,she was in the hospital with heart failure.She doesn’t want to leave this earth as it is. Prayer is our only key,she said.On Saturday,her grands,great- grands and great-great grands are planning a ride by in celebration of her 96th birthday.She has no fear and believes that America will be resilient/
#61 Stay Home
Ms. Rowe feels as though the Government can do a little more. Doesn’t know where this comes from. Its’ real out here! People are trying to stay home , The streets are deserted,She is a health Care worker. and sees the devastation of this disease.Her advice STAY HOME!
#51 Nobody Has Changed Their Ways
When I First heard mention of the Corona Virus ,I was scared, I began to call everyone of my Church members to share with info on the virus. In early March. I self-quarantine. I was unable to keep anything on my stomach and i couldn’t sleep. I thought this was a suicide mission for those that lived in the heart of Boynton because they aren’t adhering to the order set forth by the City or County to protect your face…No One wears facial protection on my street. Nobody has changed their ways.It will die down> Hopefully,we will come out of this alrightOur Leaders numbers are down,So America has to come back up!She will get food assistance from Helping Hands.
At my home,we have been preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. My house is petrified of the effects of this Virus. we are confined only to the perimeters of our home. In February,we made sure that my daughter (who lives elsewhere),Mother-in-Law and Nephews were taking care of with all the cleansers,disinfects, and supplies needed for a pandemic as discussed with us by my brother-in-law that lives in England.Remember our national leader says that this is a HOAX.
Got me a job
The virus has impacted me in a good way sort of . I have found a job at a warehouse due to the need for workers and is waiting on a stimulus check.
Trying to be still with the virus
The corona virus has impacted my life in many ways:1. I was supposed to have surgery on April 22,2020 to help repair my vision, but it was postponed.2. My daughter now has to do therapy sessions at home with masks on.3. I am also not able to work because due to risk of being infected or infecting my client.4. My family is also affected by the corona virus because everyone is feeling overwhelmed.
Graduation (Story #227)
The corona virus has impact my life in a huge way this year i was supposed to walk across the stage and due to the pandemic its not possible.
A complaint about the condition of the world as a hold
The corona virus impacted my life in many ways:1. My job, I am unable to work at all2. I am unable to shop, because I am 80 Years old3. Some of my family members have been infected4. It has been difficult to communicate with friends or loved ones because we are unable to visit each other5. I miss dining out in restaurants very very much
Family Survival during Rona-19
I came to GA from FL to find and purchase a home on 3/4. I am living with my daughter, son in law, granddaughters & visually impaired great great grandson. I am in awe at the team we have become. We game plan on our needs of mask, disinfections, toilet tissue, food, walks, essential errands and entertainment.