Corona has effect my life so much , I have lost a job I have kids this in the worst of them yet ! Idk when I will be able to find another job due to this virus everybodys lifes being taken away its very sad ! I pray trump fix it noww… my community is upside down nobody being able to pay their bills nobody has any money this is a tragedy.
Solutions: Solutions to problems
The Fierce Women
Im pregnant and the Corona virus has stopped work for me and my child.. my source of income has been put on hold. Im afraid to give birth in these circumstances.
Crazy (Story #111)
Corona has effected my life a lot. I lost my job and money is getting tight.
Education (Story #108)
Coronavirus has affected me in many way one of them are me going to school And get my education these online classes are really not effective way for me to learn
No Man Is an Island
I am an eighty two old diabetic that lives with my sister and brother in law. I am totally blind and suffer from extreme nephropathy and have difficulty with mobility. I have limited socialization and look forward to the socialization through attending church and the monthly senior activity sponsored by the Community Caring Center. The Stay at Home order has made it more difficult to have the socialization that is needed for elderly people.
New Normal: there is some good!
This deadly virus has completely impacted interactions with social distancing. Balancing between work and home schooling my son has been challenging and rewarding all at once. My son is extremely active so I was apprehensive about keeping him engaged but I have been pleasantly surprised. The challenge isn’t so much home schooling as much as finding activities post-virtual school, that don’t involve leaving the house, outside of watching TV and reading books. He has taken an interest in cooking which has been great and we have come together as a family, breaking bread and playing board games together.
Dealing with the Inability to help our Students
Roots and Wings has an after school reading and reading comprehension program in four Title One schools in Delray Beach. We pay for certified teachers in the school, hand-picked by the principals in those schools, to work with these struggling 2nd 3rd grade students in small groups of 10 or less to help them bolster their confidence and improve their reading skills. Many of them need help with phonics. Since school is not in session, we do not have a chance to visit the classrooms and offer encouragement to these children. In many instances, we are the extra person besides their teacher who can give them a high-five for their accomplishments.We are missing that human connection, and we know our students are as well.
I was already working from home but now my whole family is with me!
Multiple-family social distancing
When we first heard about social distancing it sounded overwhelming to think that we would be away from extended family and friends for an undetermined length of time. A good friend and I decided that we would combine our families and social distance together. We made a commitment that we would not expose ourselves or our families to other people outside of our 10 person combined family. This has afforded us the opportunity to have the children play together, go to each other’s houses for a break, get some work done when necessary and have social interaction with people other than the 5 immediate family members living in my house. We had to cancel our spring break plans and then this past week we decided we would go to explore nature with our social distancing family. We have spent the last week tubing and letting the boys be boys. It has turned a stressful time into some of our favorite family memories.
I am going through, moving forward, and discovery new activities.
I have not been able to participate in several of my favorite activities, swimming, Zumba Yoga and walking in the park. But I am encouraged , I read more, clean out my closets, (I am gathering things that I don’t need or want, and I am looking forward to getting them out of my space.) I am journaling, and I crotchet and I reach out to family and friends and friends who are family more frequently. (I text, call and/or email.) I spend quality listening to music.