Stable: NA

new normal

In my new job, i have a new appreciation for technology to keep the lines of communication open. I don’t feel totally isolated with working remotely.

The Wiser

Find God and Connection with someone older. I did this and it helped me get through a lot. The elder are wise


Once I seen somebody fall out. many walked by but it was one group that stopped to help.

Neighbor helping Neighbor

During the hurricane one side of our street lost power and the other side had power. We were on the side without power. Our neighbors with power came over everyday with cold water, cooked us food and invited us to use their washer and dryer anytime we needed it. It was truly neighbor helping neighbor

Nurse -Devonte white

Important moment in my life was going through nursing school. I always wanted to be a nurse and i made it into reality

Bullys-Devonte white

Coming up i was a big bully and I realized i hurt many people. My peoples always told me to be kind to people but i never listened. Now my son is dealing with bullies at school

Buying a house- Devonte white

Important moment in my life was buying a house. I saved all my money and worked two jobs to get my own house. I did not want to live with my mom anymore

Accident-Devonte white

I got into a accident when i was walking across the street. Almost caused it my life i been in sharps pains every since. I always think about the situation

Pride- Devonte white

My pride was a big part if my life.It was so many times where my pride played a part in my life. It has got me in trouble and out of trouble