Stable: NA

Get it on my own – Devonte white

Important moment in my life is learning how to provide for myself. I used to depend on my parents to do everything. I had to get off my butt and go work for something

Basketball- Devonte white

I believe basketball was a important moment for me . It changed my life so many ways. It taught me things i can also use in life

Work for it

Buying my first house was a important moment in my life. Everything I got I had to work for it.nobody won’t give you anything around here.


Learning English was important to me .I had to learn and learn fast cause it’s a lot going on around boynton. I came to America when I was 17 and things was different.

Love your moms

Moving out my mom house was important to me.Things can get hard around Boynton so I had to make a way. Even though I moved out my mom still had to help me.

Go get it (Story #128)

I would say maturity was important for me. Because I had to grow up and learn life. Everything was giving to me so at one point I had to go get it .

Hard work (Story #129)

Important moment was getting my first car. That opened up my world and got me more opportunities. I was able to go to a different school which was better than the one the kids went to and I found a job. I did all this before I graduated high school

The city

Growing up in boynton there’s a lot of important moments. Things are not as good as they used to be around here.when I was younger I was shot 5 times on different occasions.


Important moment in my life was going to college.My grandpa used to always tell me the world is bigger than boynton. There’s nothing really around the city but drugs and violence so that changed me.