I had severe anxiety about the…

Mini Grant SenseMaker Project Story or Micro-Narrative

  • Grant Project: Express Yourself Art Ball
  • Description: An activity that happens once
  • Role: I received a mini grant for an idea I had
  • Date submitted: 2020-11-16 12:00

I had severe anxiety about the venue for the event. Renting a venue and also providing refreshments for a crowd of people can be difficult and very pricey. I listed the help of Kenya Chaney from Healthier Delray Beach, and she helped me get a meeting with the curator for the Arts Warehouse. To make a long story short, the meeting resulted in me getting the venue for free. Not only will it be for free, but I will also be allowed to keep the artowrk their for an entire month(May)

How This Person Interpreted Their Story or Micro-Narrative

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • This project or activity has the capacity to impact the community:
  • This project impacts:
  • To have the biggest impact, this project needs support from: A non-profit or organization
  • The mini grant project(s) in my story impact: A whole community
  • The story I shared shows the importance of: Power within the local community
  • In my story, things went: Differently than I expected
  • The venue also will take care of the drinks. They even gave me a walk through and discussed logistics for the Ball.
  • The story shows: NA