I received a Ladybugs Art Box…

Mini Grant SenseMaker Project Story or Micro-Narrative

  • Grant Project: The Ladybug's Art Box
  • Description: An activity that happens once
  • Role: I'm a resident who knows about or knows someone awarded a mini grant
  • Date submitted: 2020-12-31 12:00

I received a Ladybugs Art Box. I was very excited. I love to draw and paint. With this box I would like to make all kinds of crafts. I don’t think I want to become a professional artist. But I would use it to become better at painting and drawing, then I can use it as a hobby and maybe even make money from it. I’m glad I received an art box and I’m looking forward to joining the Ladybugs of the Palm Beaches Mentoring group. Thank you Ms. Verna and Mrs. Tamar.

How This Person Interpreted Their Story or Micro-Narrative

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • This project or activity has the capacity to impact the community:
  • This project impacts:
  • To have the biggest impact, this project needs support from: Individuals in the community
  • The mini grant project(s) in my story impact: An individual
  • The story I shared shows the importance of: Being a part of something bigger
  • In my story, things went: As I expected
  • The story shows: The mini grant has everything needed to succeed