grateful to God and life for one more opportunity

Now SenseMaker Project Story or Micro-Narrative

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2020 a year with much to tell. where you realized that life is the most beautiful thing that God has given us where we learned to be more human where we realized that it does not matter the title, position or how high it is when the virus Attack no position, we learned that life can go away in an instant definitely a difficult year all change if we are still counting being here alive let us thank God and strength for all those who lost a family member I wish for all that 2021 be a year in victory and let’s get out of this uncertainty healing and peace for the whole world amen

About This Story

  • Date submitted: 2020-12-27 00:00:00
  • Emotional tone: Positive
  • Who should know about this? My community

About the Storyteller

  • Community: Jupiter
  • Age: 18-30
  • Gender: Female

How the Storyteller Interpreted Their Story

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • What I shared shows my community will: Seize an opportunity for radical change
  • What I shared has the potential to impact: Society as a whole
  • What I shared shows: People are treated the same
  • What I shared shows there are: --
  • What I shared shows I am: --
  • What I shared shows: --
  • What I shared shows that we need: --
  • What I shared shows we need to: --
  • What I shared is about: --

Views on COVID-19 Risk and Systemic Racism

How much of a risk do you believe COVID-19 is to our community health?
There is risk to our community health and we need to take precautions

If you still believe COVID-19 is a threat, what are some of the things you are doing to stay safe and stop the spread?

Please list anything else you are doing to stop the spread of COVID-19. If you don't believe COVID-19 is a serious issue, please tell us about that.
wash hands and wear a mask

Do you believe systemic racism exists in America?
Yes, I believe there is systemic racism in America

If you believe systemic racism exists in America, do you believe it contributes to poorer health outcomes for minorities?

Any other thoughts about systemic racism?

Are you doing anything to support what you believe in? If so, what are some of the activities you're participating in?
helping in churches