My mom works in the medical/health field. She goes to private residences everyday and she was over on Palm Beach and she went to see a patient. There are different protocols for people with and without corona diagnosis. She was made aware that neither the patient of her husband had tested positive for it and that they only had pneumonia. She felt fine at first and didn’t think anything of it but the next morning we got a call informing us we were to remain in quarantine for 3 weeks and get tested twice as both the patient and her husband actually have corona. My mom ended up testing positive so I had to go remain in other housing until it is cleared up. As a student I do not have very much money so it has been very hard to manage the stress of 14 credit hours including Orgo 1 and 2, the cost of groceries, and the constant absence of toiletry items. I basically had to start all over.
A New Beginning from The Seemingly End
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