Menace to society (Story #279)

At target, waiting for my grocery order to be put in my trunk. They have a great system. There is a huge sign saying Anyone going in the store must wear a mask. Person after person is entering the store including a woman with a baby in a cart from the parking lot. I asked the staff why they were allowed to do that and she said they couldn’t really enforce it and they are slammed and don’t have time anyway. We don’t know how to behave as a society, these people are so disrespectful to the essential workers in the store

About This Story

  • Project: COVID-19
  • Date submitted: 2020-04-19 00:00:00
  • Emotional tone: Strongly negative
  • Who should know about this? Everyone
  • Is the story health-related? NA

About the Storyteller

  • Community: Boynton Beach
  • Age: 41-50
  • Gender: Male
  • Concerns: Being around too many people, Employment, Health of my friends and/or family, Health of the community, Safety of my neighborhood, and Safety of those who can't care for themselves

How the Storyteller Interpreted Their Story

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • My story shows we need to: --
  • Who my story is about: --
  • Why people acted the way they did: --
  • How people were treated: Some people are worth more than others
  • In my story, there are: No solutions
  • In my story: I am stressed out
  • My story shows: I have no control
  • My story teaches us that: --
  • My story teaches us that: --
  • My story is about: Fear