Coronavirus has been a positive and negative experience for me. On the positive side one of my streams of income will continue to come in. On the negative side, the way I am able to make extra money (to be able to save and not live paycheck to paycheck) would put me at risk by coming in contact with numerous people. Since I live with my grandmother, I’m unable to do this. I worry that the older people in my house are continuously going out for food. We bump heads a lot. On the bright side I’ve had the chance to work on being more active and I have had time to prepare healthier meals. (Minus one week of eating all junk and not being able to get enough motivation to do much outside of the bed.) My sister and I have started this new thing where we go on walks every day. On the negative side I am extremely tired of hearing about the virus and I’m hoping things will return to normal in May so that I can do the things I most enjoy again.
#Onthebrightside #bittersweet
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