My brief input about the pandemic is that it has affected me in some way such as not being able to attend my church on Sundays. Not being able to hug my loved ones like I’m used to. Most importantly learning how to adjust to the current normalcy.
Stress: --
#Face time blues
I cant go talk to my friends. I love going to the store and meeting new people. I want to have fun, but I have a child to take care of so…
Bored in da house
It is very challenging, it seems like we’re in the same the same day everyday. My social life has decrease.
# flower man down
Less and less people are coming to buy my flowers, and the people who do come are so nice. Im getting worried that we may go out of business.
My job recently closed and I am unemployed. My house is very cramped because the kids can’t go to school. The stores don’t have the materials that I need to provide for my kids and family.This is devastating and I pray this would be over soon.
Everyday I wake up before I go to work, I have to put on a mask and a pair of gloves. I now carry around hands sanitizer everywhere I go. I keep my distance around other people. This is different than before the virus arrived. I didnt have to worry about things like this. It is scary.
My oldest son splits time between our house and his moms. He is at his moms and I go down to visit him once a week. We take a social distance walk around his neighborhood. We miss him and it’s hard not having him here some of the time.
where is the help?
A couple of months ago, I attended a Cost of Poverty simulation and it was very eye opening. Now with this virus impacting our way of life, it has become more difficult to access services. I feel that for many of our residents who doesn’t receive government assistance, they are now getting a taste of how difficult it is to access services from the government.
Quarantine with 3 plus me
Being in Quarantine due to COVID-19 is great at times and challenging in others. I am a mother of 3 school age children and am currently working from home. Finding balance between work and assisting the kids with their school work has been challenge that I am currently working. I am grateful for the full support of my kids teachers in providing lessons and following up with their educational needs. The struggle is when I try to focus on my work but still need to facilitate and support the kids learning ( answer questions, work on practice problems, review skills they are struggling with and provide attention. I feel guilty and feel like I am not always giving them the attention that they need to thrive in the virtual school setting. On the flip side, we are engaging in more crafting activities and bonding in new ways. Apart from spending time with family, I am personally taking time after I finish my work to focus on my personal growth by reading, taking notes and journaling to keep my sanity.
my life during the pandemic
Because of the corona virus I am not able to go to work, church and socialize with my friend. I am scared to go to to grocery store because I don’t want to get infected by the virus and bring it to my family. Even though I talk to my family like my mother on the phone but I don’t want to go to her house because since she is old and I am not tested I don’t want to expose her to the virus. I don’t want to be the one to bring it to her. My kids are now are in the house all the time I need to have extra food in my pantry because the eat more than before.