Stress: --

Corona Troubles

Because of corona virus I am working less hours which affects paying bills.

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #255)

The pandemic Corona Virus has made it extremely hard to experience the typical senior year and college life . It has made income shorter due to closing of jobs .

The Unknown

The corona virus came out of no where. One day we were outside living our regular lives and the next we were hit in the face with this unknown virus. It impacted my life by changing my weekly/daily routine which is going to work (Teacher), doing Coding after school and coming home.

the fear of life as we know it

The corona virus has made it difficult for myself and my family to stay calm simply because it’s changed the dynamic of life. My family members are older, which makes them more susceptible especially considering they have preexisting conditions. My great aunt, grandmother, mother and grandfather have all recently in some way fell ill. Although there are other forms of illness, the pandemic and lack of knowledge behind the coronavirus has instilled fear that any illness could be fatal. It makes my grandparents afraid to leave their homes, worry about their friends and family and it’s harder to find basic resources.

#41 We don’t Drive

My husband and I are 90 and 91 yrs old. We don’t drive .Our daughters and granddaughters are doing it all for us. It is such a burden not being able to tag along with my daughters,I do admire what out national leader is saying. After all. he is doing the best he can do!

No job

I just got my job and was excited about being on my feet but then this virus came and everything went crashing Down. Im currently waiting on the stimulus check to get things in order in my life.

#39 What are we going to do?

He and his wife have lost 3 family members to this pandemic (one in Guyana & 2 In New York).They are asking themselves What are we going to do about getting food? I suggested that they contact Helping Hands in Boynton Beach for USDA pick-up.Their adult children are bringing in the grocery and yaking care of all responsibilities of the household.The Husband cut his hand and on top of that has encountered a Heart triple by-pass surgery. So,He must adhere to the Covid19 regulations.

#40 I gave her flowers while she was living:

She is adhering to the ordinances of the land. However, She has osteoporosis and she is a former business owner, She has always been recognized as the first African-American florist in Boynton Beach. She has lost a friend of 52 yers to the Covid19, she has fond memories of her , She plans to name a garden in her memory. She also named others who have died from this PANDEMIC and attend her church.She is a

#26 I Just Don’t Know

She had a total knee replacement 3 yrs ago . She has suffered with pain and the ability to not be able to be independent at the age of 73 yrs old as result of her knee surgery, She has been limited movement and has been at home for the exception of Dr.’s appts .Her feeling about the virus are I just don’f know. Her daughter provides her all her needs .She feels extremely safe at home.