Stress: --

EJSEJ20 – Trying to stay positive!

This virus and the hysteria that came with it has came and shock up my entire world. This virus has made me stop and look around at all the things that are extremely important and all the things that aren’t. In other words it has given me a better perspective of what I may have been taking for granted. A good thing that it did was remind everyone of how important relationships are and having a sense of community is vital during times like this. Between work and family I am just trying to stay updated and prepared for whatevers next. It has slowed down life for me and but our operations on hold as an organization. This is still relatively new as we are only in our 2nd full week of quarantine and don’t have a end in sight.

hunkered down

I’m holed up with family at my parents house. No contact with anybody outside immediate family. spending lots of time online. Was going to the beach until public beaches were closed by County order.

New Normal

The corona virus has caused me to work from home utilizing technology to work and interact with people. Although it’s been nice to be able to work from home, I realize that I am not prepared for a crisis of this magnitude and I am a single person. I went from eating out to buying groceries and eating from home. Being from Florida, you are accustomed to preparing for hurricanes but this takes it to another level. Living in western palm beach county, I am concerned that our communities are not prepared for a health crisis of this magnitude. We have 1 hospital that serves 4 cities on the lake and unincorporated areas of the Glades. I pray that this ends soon……..

Social solidarity

From Kristyn Cox in Delray came this beautiful post:Instead of social distancing,Physical distancing andSocial solidarity.Let’s make sure we are following guidelines, but staying connected through phone calls, virtual meetings, texts, and checking in regularly with our family, friends, and neighbors.

Confusing,Confusion, Confused.

My family has changed its dynamics since the virus was considered a problem for my community. My son, who was working in a foreign country was forced to leave. Although he had planned to relocate to another country, all borders have been closed, so he is coming back to the U.S.A., and plans to be quarantined for awhile. Of course, he will live with me, his sister and my grand-daughter. This will put a strain on our monetary resources, but, unlike others, we do have a place to live at the moment. At the same time, his brother’s job has been suspended, untill virus complications end. This means that he too, will have no income and will look to his family for help. We are already aware of food pantries, but where do we find additional beds and furniture, etc. for those who may be moving in with family. At the same time, the virus has caused disruption in my grand-daughters schooling. I am not pleased with having to figure out what 5th grade work she is expected to complete. I went on Google Classroom, found her teachers, but no explanation as too which assignments to complete, etc. I did ask her and she could not tell me either. Very confusing, very confusing. Also, my grand-daughter does not have a lap-top. How is she expected to do her work without that tool? Oh, did I add that I have a person with substance abuse that I am responsible for and that I am on Social Security. Indeed, it seems like neither myself nor those around me are handling these disruptions well. However, my family, at least, are doing the best we can under trying circumstances. The information I am getting on all levels, except for the information from the City of Boynton Beach and my doctor, have been confusing at best. But, I realize that this is new, and that everyone is working hard with new territory, but I guess the most frustrating thing is the uncertainty. Finally, We have noticed an increase of drug sales in our neighborhood. I am concerned that job losses and human fear will increase drug problems in my community. So any pointers on how to handle unsettling change will be very helpful.

new normal

In my new job, i have a new appreciation for technology to keep the lines of communication open. I don’t feel totally isolated with working remotely.


Unable to make the same paycheck because I belly work

Is this the New Normal?

As a working parent of a grade school age child and caregiver of an elderly mother I have experienced a increased amount of mental, emotional, and financial stress during the COVID-19 situation. I’m trying to find new ways to establish a routine that feels normal and make sure that everyone’s needs are met. Carving out a time to attend to work responsibilities at home while having a child at home and engaging him in meaningful activities is a challenge. Also, making sure that my mother is kept medically safe by limiting visitors and stress triggers is a task. I don’t think that I’m alone in the experience and that is comforting but I would like to find support through an online community that can link me to others with shared experiences, tips and guidance on how to best handle these emerging dynamics.

Figuring this coronavirus out

I am working fulltime from home and simultaneously caring for my child, my pets, my home. I am in need of household products but the stores are packed with people and short on supplies.