Sun Sentinel: Museum’s Virtual Gallery Shares COVID-19 Stories

The Palm Health Foundation is providing the public with an intimate glimpse into the personal experiences of Palm Beach County residents whose lives have been altered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through its new website, phfshares.com, the Palm Health Foundation shares stories ranging from emotional tragedies to hunger insecurity caused by the pandemic. Residents have shared over 700 stories about how COVID-19 has affected their lives through the story collection website.

Designed to help the foundation and its partners, the website was originally intended to provide relief to those with urgent needs and as a data collection tool for current and future community health planning. After receiving an overwhelming amount of stories and experiences, the foundation realized that stories needed to be shared with the public in real time to raise awareness of the crisis.
“Residents are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress, anxiety and isolation brought on by COVID-19,” Patrick McNamara, president and CEO of Palm Health Foundation, said in a statement. “Our story collection project lets residents express themselves in a safe environment and shows other people that they are not alone in their feelings.

“Rarely, if ever, do we have the chance to share common emotions and experiences across our widely diverse community from every race, ethnicity and income level,” he said. “There is so much for us to learn now and in the future from COVID-19.”
The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum in Delray Beach is set to open a virtual gallery exhibit on Wednesday, June 3, to share the community’s experience during the crisis.
Along with the stories, the museum will also feature musings, thoughts, prayers and other recollections in the virtual gallery at spadymuseum.com/.