As the spring semester of 2020 came to a close, young people volunteering with Student ACES, a non-profit organization in the Glades, began discussing how they might help families using Palm Health Foundation’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) fund.
Tag: Sensemaking Session

“Take Us to Happier Places”
When youth collecting stories from the community were asked what they could do to transform the mood of the stories, one remarked that they would need to collect stories somewhere else.

Residents’ Stories Chronicle the New Normal
In late April, a shift began in the tone and content of stories from residents. Some worries began to subside while others took their place.

Teens Brainstorm How to Help Families During Quarantine
Residents with mental illness in need of medication and children in need of help with homework were among the challenges tackled by Boynton Beach teens.

Story Review Highlights Worries About Utility Bills
An April review of COVID-19 stories identified common concerns among residents, including the prospect of facing a massive utility bill following months of suspended payments.

Insights from Delray Youth About COVID-19 Stories
Youth involved in the EJS Project in Delray Beach participated in a virtual sensemaking session facilitated by Palm Health Foundation.