Upbringing: Upbringing, yes, but also a choice

Great out the bad

Two positive, one positive being everyone is a whole, such as being a diversemulticultural community. Another being welcoming and feeling like a family from different races

20 years teaching in the glades

Growing up for an interview at P.H.S to be a teacher I had to compete with another teacher and a number of the people in the interview become very good friends and I Romberg the teachers at the cool try to adapt to the school to become a teacher. And I am bless that I been able to teach multiple teachers in the classes. By the time I was retire I was teaching the children and grandchildren of the student I taught

Old school

The police said he grew up in clewston he said it was great they helped one another when you get into trouble from with your neighbor you get in trouble at home


Seeing kids in a wheelchair while young.

Still Growing

All parents were the mother of all of the children when I was growing up

Up from the muck

I was an escort for the elite community club. It had a huge impact on me to be connected with the community.