Vulnerable: NA

# flower man down

Less and less people are coming to buy my flowers, and the people who do come are so nice. I’m getting worried that we may go out of business.

My shoe game

There were some new air maxes that I was trying to purchase, but due to the stores closing I’ll just have to wait until they reopen.


Everyday I wake up before I go to work, I have to put on a mask and a pair of gloves. I now carry around hands sanitizer everywhere I go. I keep my distance around other people. This is different than before the virus arrived. I didn’t have to worry about things like this. It is scary.

Virus (Story #430)

The virus impacted my life by changing it totally. Right now, I am suppose to be in college taking classes. Instead I am at home talking online classes. My outside activities are limited because of the stay at home order the governor issued. The virus impacted my mood, I am getting more depressed when I am locked inside.

Chaneling my mother

The corona virus has impacted my life by limiting what activities I can do outside my house. I have not been able to travel to visit family in other states, requiring utilization of technology such as zoom and facetime to connect to distant family. I am usually active at least three times a week with volunteer activities and since these are community based I have had to limit these to just a few that I can do from home. This virus has caused me to work on, not yet complete, in home projects, which I report to my family as means to channel my mother. A women, who lived to 103 years old, who was always busy and was not afraid to take apart an appliance or sewing machine that was not working. I have broken apart two sewing machines with broken gears, and realize that my mask sewing project may never get started. So… moved on to removing paint from chairs and tables.


Cory 19 impact my life is that I’m home not working can I pay all my bills miss all my friends social distance miss my family so it’s a lot to deal with but you know we have to do what we have to do and make sure that we are safe

N/A (Story #416)

The Corona virus crisis make everyone scare of each other, now most people are unemployed with no income and unable to huge my friend and family. I pray that everything most gone so we can go to our normal life

Senior year ruined

I am so mad that my graduation got ruined. This sucks totally! This virtual graduation ceremony is a bad idea. I rather wait until it is safe to be out again and give us the graduation that we deserve. Thanks Corona for ruining my senior year!


Due to the corona virus i have to watch my kids at home. The price of food these days is crazy and i do not receive government Assistance. Not saying i dont want to feed my kids im just saying they need to get these kids back in school.

Social distancing (Story #365)

The corona virus has impacted my life in a strange way.I work as a busser at a restaurant and is currently unemployed due to social distancing.