Vulnerable: The community is vulnerable

Pandemic (Story #214)

With the whole pandemic going on i been in the house trying to stay safe. Ive been watching the news and see everything thats going on in my community and its crazy to see something like this.


Due to the corona virus i have been stuck in the house and not able to go out and get my medication.

#40 I gave her flowers while she was living:

She is adhering to the ordinances of the land. However, She has osteoporosis and she is a former business owner, She has always been recognized as the first African-American florist in Boynton Beach. She has lost a friend of 52 yers to the Covid19, she has fond memories of her , She plans to name a garden in her memory. She also named others who have died from this PANDEMIC and attend her church.She is a

The unexpected disaster

The corona virus has impacted my life through many ways:1. It stopped me from selling T-shirts because I am entrepreneur2. It stopped me from going to the gym and working out3. It stopped me from dining in at my favorite restaurants4. It affected my entertainment because celebrities aren’t able to gather together to create content5. It affected me and my girlfriend birthday, because we weren’t able to celebrate how we wanted to6. It made me more conscious of who I am around and increased my disinfecting skills7. Having to wear masks to go to common place areas like grocery stores, etc.8. Makes me feel sad to see people around the world struggle with the virus and thankful that me and my loved ones haven’t been in contact with it,

#23 I need a Haircut

I am my 93 yr old Father’s caregiver. I am 71 yrs old. My Father’s sister is hospitalized with the Corona Virus in South Carolina along with her daugher and granddaughter. I have a cousin in Georgia afflicted with this virus and another cousin in Mew York who died Saturday. His wife is also hospitalized and her condition is grave. I need to loosen up but I am until to do so presently. Safety [s a major concern using wipes , sanitizer and facial mask are as necessary as grocery staples. She is coping with her Father’s Dementia, He is constantly asking her When am I going to get a haircut? Because ,after his haircut He visits his girlfriend in Lake Worth,FL.

#27 This is the last Place I Thought The Virus Would Spread

Because it is recommended that she stay in place due to high risk symptoms. She says that her illnesse has limited her movement for years. Isolation has been her issue. However, she would take a trip to the closet Nursing facility to visit her Mother. Now, she speaks to her Mother by phone only. I suggested that she call the facility to inquire if the virus has spread there. She has had a list of her church members succumb to the virus. She named them one by one. This is the last place, I thought the virus would spread!

Pandemic affect

It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the life’s of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, I’ve been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been quite overwhelming for the whole entire family. And being a single parent has only added extra stress.

#19 Who could be that MEAN?

This is one of the most compelling stories . She did not realize how devastating this Virus is/was..Until it took her oldest Sister.s life on a Wednesday in the middle of March. Her sister did not wake up that morning. She thought who could be that MEAN?? This is not an act of the ALMIGHTY. She is very agitated with our national leader. Because,our national leader mentioned that the Virus started in January of 2020. This is false information, she states. By the way, her sister’s husband also tested positive for the Virus. But he is a survivor.Her interment has been postponed until next weekend.

Living through coronavirus

The corona virus has impacted my life through numerous ways:1. I have had to complete my internship remotely2. My aunt became infected with the corona virus, which stressed my family out in the beginning but now we are relying heavily on faith3. I have had to cautious about where I travel and my surrounding because my dad is at risk of catching the corona virus4. I haven’t seen my baby nephew in a month because he is also at risk for catching the corona virus5. I have had walk the bridge for exercise due to the gym being closed6. I am constantly sanitizing my hands to reduce risk


The virus has impacted my life by not allowing me to go anywhere. I have things to do and was planning on moving to Gainesville but now its all on a stand still due to the fact that everyone has to stay home.