Who my story is about: My community


Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.

EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

When Covid-19 was first being pushed into the American news stream in March 2020 I was a sophomore in high school getting ready for spring break with my friends. Around this time people’s emotions were very mixed, some of us were freaking out 2020 had already been so chaotic (We had a World War 3 scare, several celebrities had died, storms were hitting, etc.). Some of us weren’t all that concerned especially us Floridians. Every year we get storm scares and the like, overtime we’ve adapted so that most of the time it’s hard for the mainstream news to faze us, after all if we let that happen we’d be freaked out all the time. We thought: “This is just another thing they’re trying to worry us about” Let’s not forget that our election for U.S. president was coming up this year and candidates were already dropping out like flies, this was just adding onto the election frenzy. “It’s just another Flu” “It’ll be gone by summer” “It only really hurts babies and elderly people.” These are all things we told ourselves. These are all things we were wrong about. Young healthy people, college students, newly weds still in their honeymoon stage, new mothers, this virus did not discriminate. People were being wiped out! It wasn’t just the virus’ mass devastation that caused this pandemic to become an era for the history books though, people’s behavior in these times will be talked about for years to come. I hope future generations get a laugh out of reading about “The Toilet Paper Mania” for some reason people rushed into any store they could find, thousands of shoppers found themselves fighting over TOILET PAPER! As if that could stop the virus somehow. As chaotic s that was it still feels like 7 years ago rather than 7 months simply because of everything else that’s happened since then. The killing of several black people by police officers causeda resurgence in the black lives matter movement which led to months of protests in which the police fully militarized against people singing in the streets. There were also riots in which people looted local Targets which funded their city’s police department and regularly denied service to black customers. (It’s laughable, even Target is the enemy now). Looking online these days its rare to see a Twitter handle or Instagram bio without BLM or ACAB (which means all cops are bastardized) in it. Does anyone even remember the murder hornets? Or when President Trump basically called now presidential-elect Biden’s son a crackhead on national television? Or when hordes of celebrities got on their cellphones and recorded themselves naked and singing in order to “lift our spirits” during quarantine. 2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. There were some days when we had to collectively grieve together like when beloved actor Chadwick Boseman of “Black Panther”, “Thurgood”, “42” and “Get on Up” fame tragically passed away, and there were days when we all virtually laughed with and enjoyed each other’s company like in the online “Versuz” competitions between our favorite musical artists. In summary, we’ve gone through a lot in 2020 but at least students of the future won’t be bored when it gets to our chapter of humanity’s story.

Education vs Corona

The corona virus has mostly impacted the way my daughter is learning. I feel like because I work a lot I am unable to give her the proper education she needs and it bothers me a lot.

I’m Trying Times Don’t Quit Trying

In everything give thanks. I am at risk because of my age and thank god not because I have a medical conditions. One thing I miss is going out to dinner. I ate out at least 3 times a week. I also miss the children at the school where I volunteer. Now, I will share a story. The following week after the Pandemic started there were 3 little boys that knocked on my door this was around 8:30 pm on a Thursday night and asked if I would give them some food. I recognized them from the community but I was not familiar with the family. I gave the little boys a bag of chips, a pack of cookies and a sip up. (I have grands). The boys started coming 3 to 4 times a week I decided to ask for their parents phone number. I introduced myself. The parents were very grateful. Now, I have adopted 6 snack recipients . I am so happy with the gift god has given to me to serve children.This to shall pass and I will continue to serve. There is a reason and a season for everything. Thank you

Covid Change

I now have to teach my students through virtual schooling. I miss being with them and seeing them daily.

Surviving online learning during Lockdown 2020

When we think of fortune, we think of massive wealth, treasure hunts, gold mines, and fantastic hordes of gems and jewels. But this year, my idea of fortune is how I am feeling right now, today. Yesterday, I submitted final grades for my four classes of Speech Communication with 110 students. Also, I completed editing my roomie’s book on graceful aging.Today, I feel accomplished, relieved, and euphoric that, during a pandemic, I am still earning a living by doing what I love. I enjoy teaching young people how to communicate impactfully. In my classes, people age 16 to 50 learn three things:Critical thinkingCritical listeningOutlining and References in APA StyleNow, that looks like a shortlist for a college course. But ask my students if it is that simple. They will tell you it is not.So, I’m feeling accomplished because I managed to pull 90% of my students through the switch to online learning, once the lockdown caused our school to close. Of 110 students, seven dropped the course before the lockdown. Nine failed the course because they gave up due to technical difficulties. Perhaps, they did not have a computer or laptop. They may not have WiFi or an internet connection. They could have children at home and not be able to concentrate on schoolwork. There are a plethora of reasons why 16 students did not get through my Speech Communication course.On the bright side, of the 94 students who made it through, there were:44 As or 40%28 Bs or 25%14 Cs or 18%8 Ds or 7%10% of my 110 students this semester either dropped before or after the lockdownI am off for 18 days. I will teach this course over the summer in three classes. Two are 12 weeks and one is six weeks. My challenge is to revert back to my lesson plans for shorter courses since the Fall and Spring terms were 16 weeks long. The fortune is that I taught this class in ONE month at three other schools. So, my real goal is to relax and enjoy my time off.Stay well and enjoy a Happy Springtime!


My job was making things and product hands on THATS how I was making money by making clothes and plenty other things but less movement and stores clothes less money


The virus impacted my time working with class of 2020 and also 2021 athlete by training them before they went off to school and also coming into there freshman year of high school

Elderly not forgotten

I am grateful and appreciative for the support of community in ensuring that the elderly are taken care of. Meals are delivered several times a week by various individuals. Neighbors are calling to offer encouragement and comfort. This is specially needed because some elderly ones live aloneOr no longer have relatives leaving nearly by or because of social distancing to care for their needs.