COVID-19 Project Story Collection

Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”

The IT World in Present Day

Being an individual who has been in the IT industry for a number of years, it is awarding to see how technology is being used to keep the community and businesses going. It is also overwhelming for those in the IT field because their knowledge is the key to keep everything running.
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I work in assisted living facility as a dining services manager. I had flu like symptoms but was forced to stay home for two weeks without pay because of the threat of coronavirus. I am still grappling the effects of not working for two weeks.
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A lost senior

Hello I’m a senior. I was so excited for my senior year I understand that all the stuff I payed for wasn’t really anyone’s fault but. Every time I look on the news it’s never about seniors. I was a senior with 27 credits and only needed .5 more to graduate. I’m transitioning into signing up for collage and getting ready to pick my path. And all of this is just being left in the air. No one is telling me what to do or how to get ready for the next step. I’m so afraid of missing something. My…
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#59 They Know They Will Pass

The nation has become unstable. Which is due to a multitude of opinions as to when America should open up for business.You’re unable to go anywhere. I Have lived in my family’s home with my Dad all my life. I am a Middle-School Science Teacher.. Her student population is 94.However,she has only 51 students logging on for distant learning. She saidthey know they will pass this school year.She has some immune issues. So,she has to be extra careful. She is a caregiver for her 81 yr old Father.He has a mild case of dementia and has under gone surgery.
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#36 Better Days Ahead

My family prevents me from going out. Mainly,because of my high blood pressure and being a stroke victim. So,they are scared for me ! She believe if you experience any symptoms and visit your Doctor you will die. She says atke ginger,cloves,lemon with warm water to improve your health.She is responsible for her 17 yr old Granddaughter who attends Atlantic High’s International Baccalaureate Program and her studies online daily.She is praying for better days ahead!My son,that lives in Boston,is taking care of his newborn daily.
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# 25 We Need To Be Running To Chruches With Powerful Prayers

Mr Leonard Thompson says that this a wake-up call to all Christians. America is in serious troubleAll Churches were closed. Gods doors were closed . We needed to be running to the Churches to pray powerful prayers His Church Lakeside Baptist never closed. At this time,Mr Thompson says he doesn’t need any assistance.
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Dealing with the Inability to help our Students

Roots and Wings has an after school reading and reading comprehension program in four Title One schools in Delray Beach. We pay for certified teachers in the school, hand-picked by the principals in those schools, to work with these struggling 2nd 3rd grade students in small groups of 10 or less to help them bolster their confidence and improve their reading skills. Many of them need help with phonics. Since school is not in session, we do not have a chance to visit the classrooms and offer encouragement to these children. In many instances, we are the extra person besides…
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The Uncertainty

The end of February when we (our country) realized that we needed to get what we need because the world as we know it was beginning to be wash away and the expectation of what to come was uncertain I was prepared on how to get purchase what is needed somewhat because I live in a hurricane state but the adjustment of this new life is challenging because we don’t know what to become of the new world
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Bump corona

The corona virus hasn’t really impacted me much besides me not being able to be at school
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Stacy’s Story

Covid-19 has thankfully had less of an impact on my life than it has on many others. My family is safe. We are financially secure. Although I would like to visit the beach and parks, I understand that doing so may negatively impact the lives of my family and others. I am thankful to have such a loving family, a safe place to live, and the resources I need to live comfortably. This virus has directly impacted extended family members and community members. I pray for the safety of all.
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Corona (Story #643)

2020 coronavirus has put out a big outbreak on the entire world shown down majority of all companies restaurants and everything every day it was at a pause for a good month or two I stay in store and open up Corentine became a major problem with people in their communities a lot of virus has been spread it a lot of cases are still pending many people were covered in many people lost their loss actually think that coronavirus affected my life by the big impact in my community we have a big case in my community in my…
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Pandemic affect

It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the life’s of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, I’ve been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been…
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I miss graduation

The corona virus made me miss My senior Graduation which sucks, I am transferring schools so it really didn’t effect me that I wasn’t at school with my friends anymore
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Sorry for everyone’s loss

I really don’t care about it as long as my family is good, I quit football so like it don’t effect me in that way anymore but it sucks that people have died from it
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N/A (Story #416)

The Corona virus crisis make everyone scare of each other, now most people are unemployed with no income and unable to huge my friend and family. I pray that everything most gone so we can go to our normal life
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Let it stop

I can’t believe how long this has been going on. I’m ok I go where I need to. The only thing I really concerned with, is when the open up the beaches again. I just hope that number doesn’t go any higher.
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New COVID life

My life hasn’t drastically changed; However, my family’s has. My mom works 2 days a week, which has no real effect, she worked for amusement. Yet, my dad who I normally only see on weekends, he works 9-midnight 5 days a week, has been home either all morning or all night. Its also strange to see my brother home this is the longest he’s been home in years. My mom is very thankful for that. As a senior I’ve been very disappointed with how this year has turned out, no graduation or prom, but at least its over. Thankfully my…
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It is very tiresome to have to stay isolated. It’s also scary to think I may catch the virus.
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Quarantine (Story #669)

Coronavirus has really affected a lot of students with their schools near me there are many students taking online classes which haven’t taken online classes in a while or Coronavirus has really affected a lot of students with their schools dammit there are many students taking online classes which haven’t taking online classes in a while or dinner or not used to taking online classes and they are struggling I truly believe that there’s a method is quite on going I can actually help many people but many students had to take for being a position to be in taking…
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# 31

Brenda Lowe was born and raised in Boynton Beach some 71 years ago. She is married to Eddie Mr Lowe is very cool and mellow.When you see one you pretty much see the other. They enjoy walks,fishing and babysitting their grandchild.Mr Lowe’s are both diabetics. They will have delivered meals from Faith Based CDC BEGINNING July 6.The Lowe’s are willing to except any assistance for water and electric.
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#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #256)

Corona Virus has impacted my life in unbelievable ways. Due to corona I have no senior experience that I truly desired . All senior events canceled , which breaks my heart .
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Limited (Story #840)

The only thing changed is not being able to see my Dad side of the family as much as I use to. I live with my mom and my dad lives 1 hour away. I use to go every weekend but now they both are scared for me to travel with the fear of contracting the virus.
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What’s Next

Hello I am a sophomore at airport Palm Beach State and I truly believe this coronavirus mess is really serious I watch my community take this as a joke take this virus as a joke and when things hit the fan that was a large number of cases floating around my community I want to let my community to know that we need to stand strong quarantine the right way and 30 cases up as well to make the World open up we need to start within our community first and I will help with that would like to help
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Help those most in need in Lake Worth and PBC

Our gallery and studio are closed to the public. I come in most days to a thankfully empty town. The only people, for the most part, who are walking the streets are the homeless and those with cognitive disabilities. I drive past the tent city in John Prince Park and it breaks my heart to see so many homeless in close quarters. If nothing is done to help them it is only a matter of time. I worry about Patrick and the folks he feeds and their exposure. I sent this statement out in a letter to someone who might…
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I believe that all this is, is fear. You can’t live your life in fear. What is meant to be is meant to be. I can’t wear gloves or a mask, cuz if god wants me gone I’m gonna go. I won’t live my life in fear, cuz your life can all of a sudden…. just stop.
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I am going through, moving forward, and discovery new activities.

I have not been able to participate in several of my favorite activities, swimming, Zumba Yoga and walking in the park. But I am encouraged , I read more, clean out my closets, (I am gathering things that I don’t need or want, and I am looking forward to getting them out of my space.) I am journaling, and I crotchet and I reach out to family and friends and friends who are family more frequently. (I text, call and/or email.) I spend quality listening to music.
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7 (Story #199)

The coronavirus has impacted my life a lot. I can’t go to school and I have done learning distance. I find it kind of difficult because I struggle in math and for me to do online class going to more difficult.I have to work during this quarantine, I work with the elderly. I do room service because due to the virus. The elderly people wanted to talk to me but I can’t. I truly feel bad for them. During this quarantine I been planning for college and what going want to do. My senior Activity got cancelled even Graduation….
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Corona Disaster

The corona virus has changed everything, I can’t work my kids can’t go to school. I am a track coach and our whole season is cancelled this is very hard on me.
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# 23 Unless We Take Heed

Mrs Annie Moss is a soft spoken 92 year old lady of small stature. She has lived in Port St Luce/Fort Pierce area with her son Jeff for approximately 5 years. Mrs Moss desired to live with her son after a medical illness. Mrs Annie has fears that the virus is here to stay. Unless,we take heed to the masking ,hand washing and staying away from crowds. Mrs Moss has many children and grandchildren living in the immediate area. She was referred to the Faiyh Based CDC for weekly meals starting July 6.
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#49 I hope my Community Is safe:

She is a 79 yrs old Boynton resident and loves everything country. She feels that the Corona Virus is scaryI She hopes her neighborhood and community are safe,she sits outside daily near her front door with other family members. Her prays that hr younger son is safe while he is in a state institutionHer oldest son makes sure she has all that is required during this pandemic.
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Ms A, is a 91 yr old lady that has some issues sy=tll from the death of her boyfriend of many years.She misses him dearly. She says ,the thought of our nations being caught up in these perilous times is ashame.She rides around the confines of her complex only.She recieves meals from FSF,
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Crazy (Story #552)

I would have been the 1st in my family to graduate and go off to school but the virus had pushing everything back to the the point I’m really not even going to college nobody have faith in me anymore
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I’m normally inside, so being inside doesn’t bother. What does bother me is when I start running out of items and I go to the store and everyone is bulk buying things so they aren’t In the stores. When this whole thing started, I was on my last roll of toilet paper. Family dollar was empty. I called my sister, she didn’t have a lot, but she was able to give me a few rolls. I don’t like not being able to have access to the things. I don’t think it’s affecting me like everyone else as I am retired….
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The way COVID-19 has impacted me is by not having needs or goods to feed my family.
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Humble Awakening

The CoronaVirus has turkey been a humbling experience for me and my family. I’m blessed to continue working being an essential employee, but the effect on our daily lives have been impacted. I like to look at the positives and use the opportunity to bond with self, love on family members, evaluate life, and appreciate the things we take for granted.
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Bigger than corona

The corona virus made me miss my college senior graduation which really sucks, but I feel as if there are way bigger problems in the world today .. hopefully we get a cure for all of this but the main problem is injustice
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God Grace

I thank God because me and my family still alive bcuz without Him we won’t be here corona virus makes me cherish every moment of life bcuz an a minute u could loose someone you love
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Serve to Fill

I have been very fortunate to still be able to receive an income throughout this trying time. It has definitely been difficult to not be with my students or visit my loved ones. My mother and boyfriend both work in the hospital so it’s a constant struggle when cleaning and worrying if I got everything clean enough and not making him feel alienated in the home. Wanting to give back as much as possible is my main concern. When I’m in service, I feel my most purposeful.
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Rapid Changes

The corona virus has changed my method of teaching to remote, from home. I miss all of my students, but was able to meet with one third of my class this morning on Google Meet. My two college-aged daughters had to move out of their sorority house and dorm to come home and do online courses through the summer. Things have certainly changed overnight!
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1 (Story #879)

It has impacted me in ways of not able to work, due to no school so therefore no one to keep my son while i work.
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#8 I’m not scared…Just be smart…Don’t ignore it!

In 2013,Mr& Mrs Cotant moved to Boynton Beach from Winters in Vermont. It was January 27,2020,that Pam’s husband transitioned. This has left an everlasting void in her life after 27 years of marriage.Pam says she has takes the COVID19 serious especiallu after watching the nightly news. She does not frequent any stores (shops on- line at Walmart).just the post office where I only drop letters.Late in the afternoons ,I spend time on my patio with a couple of friends.I keep myself occupied with Tai Chi (zooming through the Area Agency). In talking with my adult son, his…
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Coronavirus has taken a toll of the whole entire world things are being shut down it kind of miss has been losing money government has been sending out stimulus chats I truly believe that we are in this war zone – dad is going down in history and what is being said I hope I make it to my family has been doing good quarantine thing has been going to right way I truly hope that in a couple months we all look outside and look at what has been in the past and how quarantine has been delivering us…
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I know that the coronavirus is causing many people to panic I’m trying my best to stay positive. I will try to remind as many people as I can to where masks wherever they go and make sure they go and make sure they don’t go to places that are packed.
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No Man Is an Island

I am an eighty two old diabetic that lives with my sister and brother in law. I am totally blind and suffer from extreme nephropathy and have difficulty with mobility. I have limited socialization and look forward to the socialization through attending church and the monthly senior activity sponsored by the Community Caring Center. The Stay at Home order has made it more difficult to have the socialization that is needed for elderly people.
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