Age: 18-30


Coronavirus has taken a toll of the whole entire world things are being shut down it kind of miss has been losing money government has been sending out stimulus chats I truly believe that we are in this war zone – dad is going down in history and what is being said I hope I make it to my family has been doing good quarantine thing has been going to right way I truly hope that in a couple months we all look outside and look at what has been in the past and how quarantine has been delivering us from catching the coronavirus this outbreak has been lasting for over 2 1/2 months and I truly believe that if you keep going to spread and then a government should have found a solution

Recovery (Story #654)

I truly believe that the government has a curve in a faster way of quarantining but they just want to tell us macaroni to be in my city is so small I think that this outbreak is causing a big impact in my community and we has worn out we are really not quarantining right way and people are losing their jobs money being lost and people are praying on the government stimulus chats I feel as if we need to come together as a community to talk over things and try to have a better way of quarantining because with his lawnmower cases I don’t see us going either longer with the things we are doing

Each other

If you could look at these last two months you could tell he been out rages run over coronavirus has been hitting hard and many people has been dying a lot of people has been in the hospital and a lot of people also recovered from corona I truly believe that this virus is a big impact and what do you learn from us has been about 2018 to 2020 has been crazy and I feel as if this virus is held his name I would like my community to reach out to each other about quarantine in quarantine in the right way because we get our slow down this virus get a hairline get a blessing in all protect each other


Hi I’m from Miami Florida I go to school at UCFHi I’m from Miami Florida I go to school at UCF him for the bills see you I hope this year coronavirus don’t impact my football season due to the counseling NBA season I would like to play my singing year I truly believe that coronavirus has put outbreak and put a pause on the world freezing everything NFL and NBA season has been a whole NFL has been questionable in college football has taken a toll that I’ve been online classes sense since the virus has hit around the world and I don’t even like taking online classes I just hold everything and get right within the next two months that’s well

Corona (Story #655)

Coronavirus has any impact in my community a lot shops stores restaurants has been closed things are starting to open it slowly but they still going back a lot a bit cases work

Help (Story #652)

Lately coronavirus has been a big impact around our little less corona bars are really slow the roads down and put a word in brown the right to pause at what people really realize how serious one virus can infect the world I really feel like this is just an outbreak in sight and example to show my community in my government how we need to come together and help people out

Education vs Corona

The corona virus has mostly impacted the way my daughter is learning. I feel like because I work a lot I am unable to give her the proper education she needs and it bothers me a lot.

Lost (Story #656)

Hello my name Raymond and I feel as if coronavirus has struck the wrong fast I truly believe that this virus has impacted a lot of folks across the room alarm many people have died because it is bars and they have taken a toll on Panna Road I feel as many people has thought it wasn’t that serious but now as a bigger picture been two months under quarantine and I have open mini eyes sorry for the families that have lost

Nene story

The coronavirus has a big impact on me because I can not going to school

The Impact of the Corona Virus on a College Student

The corona virus has impacted my life in the way that I have been unable to attend church regularly on Sundays nor Youth Group on Fridays and I really miss it. Also, it has been difficult in the transition to online learning last Spring semester, but it has gotten better now at the start of my Summer semester. Also, I really miss going out to play soccer with my friends and eat at restaurants, however, I am thankful for the precautions that the government has taken to keep us safe.