Sadly corona is the last thing I am worried about right now with all this social injustice going on in the world, all 50 states are protesting literally and no one is worried about corona
Age: 18-30
Covid sucks
Corona virus has ruined everything for me literally, parents cant work so idk how we are going to get money and I am away from school so Im not doing what I love most
Corona cant stop me
Surprising corona havent stopped anything for me besides being at actual school with my teammates, I still workout everyday and travel
I feel like corona is the least to be worried about right now, I am taking this time to prepare my body for when football comes back but I feel like racism is the main problem in todays society
God’s got my family back
Me,my mother, and brother been out of work for 4 weeks now. I am part timer so I don’t get any PTO. So we have been about how we’re going to pay our bills.
A New Beginning from The Seemingly End
My mom works in the medical/health field. She goes to private residences everyday and she was over on Palm Beach and she went to see a patient. There are different protocols for people with and without corona diagnosis. She was made aware that neither the patient of her husband had tested positive for it and that they only had pneumonia. She felt fine at first and didn’t think anything of it but the next morning we got a call informing us we were to remain in quarantine for 3 weeks and get tested twice as both the patient and her husband actually have corona. My mom ended up testing positive so I had to go remain in other housing until it is cleared up. As a student I do not have very much money so it has been very hard to manage the stress of 14 credit hours including Orgo 1 and 2, the cost of groceries, and the constant absence of toiletry items. I basically had to start all over.
My Own Pandemic
Not only has corona virus impacted my life by keeping me outside, but my stepfather passed away just over 3 weeks ago (not covid related). To say that this has been a year from hell on a personal level is an understatement. Overall, I am okay, but its been rough. Classes transitioned to an online platform for me at the FAU Honors College and countrywide. Its just been tough. I know it can only get better from here and this too shall pass. That being said, however, losing someone you love and have loved for so long hurts.
The way COVID-19 has impacted me is by not having needs or goods to feed my family.
Quarantined (Story #686)
This virus has affected my life because I am not able to go out into public as often as before. I was not able to take courses in-person at my college. My family and I have been cooking at home instead of going out for food. My gym is closed so I havent been able to workout. It has been a complete change in my lifestyle.