Currently I am working home full time while trying to maintain 3 school aged kids. My youngest is in 1st grade and had limited reading/spelling and computer skills without needing constant attention. This is very frustrating.
Age: 31-40
FAU needs to do better
The impact has been one of stress and financial implications. I think that FAU could be better with assisting their students who are impacted by changing the grading policy. Essentially we were billed the same way as if we were under normal conditions, and the help they offered in allowing students to change to a pass/fail process, did not help at all for the students who plan to continue to graduate school. Also, I wish to state that if school is opening on an in person basis for the fall, I will not register. I hope that the online format will continue to be an option for the students who may be susceptible for the corona virus.
Pandemic Baby
I had to cancel my wedding twice. It was going to be a 3 day affair with family flying in from out of state and out of country. But we had to cancel. So we ended up just signing the Marriage License. We also found out that my wife is pregnant, so thats good. But I havent been able to go to the Dr. appointments. The baby is health so that the most important.
My immediate family has been impacted financially across the board. As of yet, we have not suffered any sickness from the pandemic. I really miss seeing and hugging family members. We video chat frequently but its nowhere near the same. My hours were greatly affected at my job. And because of the uncertainty of when I would work next, I had to scurry around to come up with another solution to try and stay afloat money wise . That, along with being a full time mother of a 7 year old with autism who I now have to do distant learning with, has been really tough. I am trying to maintain a positive mindset and my sanity but it is truly difficult. It has been a scary ordeal for me, not so much due to the actual virus, but for the panic/fear surrounding it from others. Im not a homebody so as a person who is used to going places, being hunkered down for this time actually made me appreciate time I get out to go to work.
The virus has affected me in many ways. I have to get used to a new way of life. Working from home. Wearing masks everywhere I go. Wearing gloves to pump gas. Not being able to shop or eat in restaurants without worrying about whose by me. Not being able to cough in public without everyone looking at me crazy. The new norm is difficult to adapt to. Its a learning process. But I understand that its all for our safety.
Covid Change
I now have to teach my students through virtual schooling. I miss being with them and seeing them daily.
Living life
I am enjoying social distancing catching up on life
#Whats going on
It hasnt changed much since Im homeless. Im just scared because I dont know whats going on.
My job has completely stopped. I have been out of work for about 2 weeks, and been living off my savings and stimulus check. This money was suppose to be used for my daughter car as award. This sucks
Life is an everyday experience.
The Corona Virus has changed my life drastically. It has created a new way of living, a new norm, as well as a sense of caution and panic within me. I am unable to do things that I normally enjoy doing, such as going to the movies, mall, out to eat, traveling, etc. I am forced to practice a new lifestyle that I am learning how to do day by day. Its a surreal feeling to know I cant pick up a gallon of milk from Publix without a mask on, or pump gas without gloves on. Its even a big deal to cough and sneeze. People give dirty looks and stare, or walk away. So many new rules to follow. Its tough, but I understand the importance of all the guidelines in place. The virus has also made me more aware of where I sit, what I eat, what I touch, where I stand, and even with whom I do these things. I am more aware of my surroundings. I wash my hands more frequently. I am very cautious. I am also using this time to spend more time with my teenager daughter. This experience teaches us to enjoy what we have, before what we have becomes what we had.