Audience: Friends and family

Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my private case which my private case told me that I didn’t have to go because she was more concerned because I had my grand kids and she didn’t want me to catch anything, but I still go every once in a while.

Life of virus

This crazy virus impact my life so much until it made my life a little miserable. To the point I wouldn’t even see how it feels to graduate high school in my cap and gown after all the hard work and test I have been taking to get where I need to be now I feel like everything in my power wasn’t worth it all those night I stayed up studying and working on homework

Built to last

Well the virus hasn’t impacted my life directly, but people has lost job, loss loved ones and is living in fear of the unknown.

Athletes need justice

My name is coach Walker I can say that this virus has impacts a whole lot .Also I’m a track coach for Fast lane track club . I train my athletes for them to compete on a beat level also to get them into a d1 college what that being said I can’t even train them anymore and they all depends on me wow man what a life that sucks I can’t help my athletes out .

Teen mom

Hello the corona impacted my life as a teen mother. How? Because I couldn’t have a experienced of my 1 child a baby shower also I couldn’t take no pictures or anything then I’m having my baby in this virus is even worse I just pray god watch and protect over me


The pandemic began a few months after I graduated college, so it impacted my job search. Most on-site internships were canceled, and organizations were now focusing on cutting back. I am very fortunate to be in a situation where I don’t have to pay rent and utilities, so I’m not experiencing a lot of financial-related stress. Before the pandemic, I was the only one that stayed at home during the day, the dining room table was my office and a place where I could accomplish all of my daily tasks. Now there are five of us at home, so we all have to adjust and be mindful of the common space we all share to work.


Corona has impacted me and my family member life because some have been laid off their jobs and can’t afford things already I’m also having a difficult time because me being home I don’t have internet to complete my college work good thing I’m a member of student aces and they help me get a laptop and access to WiFi.

Cooking Passion

Cooking is a passion of mine that I enjoy. I cook meals for my Church as a volunteer. It has affected my life because I usually cook every Monday and Wednesday for my church and because of the coronavirus I cannot Cook a meal.

Corona Virus Impact

The corona virus has impacted my life by making it difficult to find daily essentials such as toilet paper,paper towels,cleaning supplies and etc. at local grocery stores.The corona virus has also affected me by not allowing me to travel and visit family,go to school or even go to the gym.