Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my private case which my private case told me that I didn’t have to go because she was more concerned because I had my grand kids and she didn’t want me to catch anything, but I still go every once in a while.

About This Story

  • Project: COVID-19
  • Date submitted: 2020-05-01 00:00:00
  • Emotional tone: Positive
  • Who should know about this? Friends and family
  • Is the story health-related? NA

About the Storyteller

  • Community: Not Connected to a Healthier Together Community
  • Age: 51-60
  • Gender: Female
  • Concerns: Employment, Health of my friends and/or family, Health of the community, My child's education, My health, Paying the bills, Safety of my neighborhood, and Safety of those who can't care for themselves

How the Storyteller Interpreted Their Story

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • My story shows we need to: Focus on the here and now
  • Who my story is about: My friends and family
  • Why people acted the way they did: They have strong beliefs
  • How people were treated: People are treated the same
  • In my story, there are: NA
  • In my story: I am calm
  • My story shows: I am in control
  • My story teaches us that: The community is resilient
  • My story teaches us that: NA
  • My story is about: Hope