Audience: Leaders who make decisions

Covid Hardship

I Francisca Maria Meza Lopez, am not working. My husband works three to four days per week, due to the covid-19 pandemic he’s not working often. Please forgive me for bothering you regarding this matter, but i need help. i have three children, two boys and a girl that’s one month old. I am in need of diapers, baby wipes, food and detergent to wash their clothes etc. Please forgive me for asking this way but i need your help. God bless you.


You have to be strong and persevere. COVID-19 cut down my ability to earn extra money to help support my family because I cater events and all events were canceled this hindered me from being able to pay my bills. I was working part time and I needed the money to support my household and it just wasn’t there, and month after month the bills just got higher and higher. My husband was on dialysis and he wasn’t able to support the family like he wanted to. Then on Thanksgiving day of 2020 I witnessed the death of my husband with having my own health issues and I still had to be strong and push through all of the pain.

“El 2020 cambio mi vida”

Este año sin duda quedara en la historia,muchas cosas an cambiado personalmente esta pandemia nos a afectado mucho ami familia y ami. Me enferme de tanto estres se me empezo a caer el pelo a puños algo que nunca me habia pasado me preocupe fui al doctor y me dieron medicamento oara el estres pero me mantenia dirmida, decidi no tomar nada solo hacer calma poco a poco empese a mejorar, pero todo se empeoro otraves cuando comenzaron las clases de mis hijos, fue cun cambio muy grande para ellos yo tuve que dejar de trabajar para estar con ellos en casa, tres tios de mi eaposo murieron a causa del COVID-19. Fue un trauma muy grande para la familia, despues a mi esposo le reducieron las horas de su trabajo y nos golpeo aun mas esta pandemia, yo estaba estudiando habia sacado mi GED y me habia inscrito para tomar clases en el colegio, pero cuando dejaron de ir los niños a la eacuela tambien yo deje de tomar mis clases pues con el trabajo y los niños en casa ya no me daba tiempo para estudiar. Puedo decir que nunca olvidare este 2020…

My life in the struggle

My struggles started when I lost my child on October 1,2019, my world was turned upside down then this pandemic it does not make anything better my son contracted the COVID-19 and also my cousin who I’m currently living with so it was real scary not knowing what to expect but I prayed and asked God to give me the strength to go through what this pandemic has to offer. Let me back up a little when I lost my daughter I behaved in a lot of my bills .

#2020 (Story #88)

Something I’ve witnessed in 2020 is riots and people dying because of in COVID-19

#2020 #covid-19

In 2020 coronavirus cases went up I even know someone personally that tested positive for corona.

The Kids

This has been crazy being stuck at home. I think my kids have had it hardest bc they can’t see their friends or really participate in any activities. The food distributions and community feedings have been awesome. It saves some money from the limited funds that are no longer coming in.

Hope still lives

During the pandemic I had to stop working but my husband continued to work. Since we were living on one paycheck we couldn’t pay our bills or even take care of basic necessities like food and gas. But youth empowered to prosper started a food pantry that helped us soo much that we didnt need to buy food. We could focus our funds on paying Bill’s and etc. I then started to volunteer because of how they have helped my family. and assist others with getting food. though I filed for both unemployment and food stamps but because of my marital name was changed in my ID I was unqualified for unemployment and food stamps claimed we didnt qualify. I started looking for work but it was difficult because I needed a work from home job but I didnt have any experience. A couple months later I started working but because we were so backed up on our bills we had to play catch up but now were catching up and are able to pay our Bill’s on time.

Palm Health story

The request for assistance comes from the lack of funds available to cover the rent due to an injury I suffered and put me out of work for over 3 weeks. I injured my shoulder which left me unable to work and left a big gap in our income. My wife also being pregnant and due to the current pandemic being unable to work, puts us in a tight squeeze in order to make the payment possible. We would kindly appreciate any assistance which can be provided in order to make the payments due. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. We appreciate any help available, thanks.