Hope still lives

During the pandemic I had to stop working but my husband continued to work. Since we were living on one paycheck we couldn’t pay our bills or even take care of basic necessities like food and gas. But youth empowered to prosper started a food pantry that helped us soo much that we didnt need to buy food. We could focus our funds on paying Bill’s and etc. I then started to volunteer because of how they have helped my family. and assist others with getting food. though I filed for both unemployment and food stamps but because of my marital name was changed in my ID I was unqualified for unemployment and food stamps claimed we didnt qualify. I started looking for work but it was difficult because I needed a work from home job but I didnt have any experience. A couple months later I started working but because we were so backed up on our bills we had to play catch up but now were catching up and are able to pay our Bill’s on time.

About This Story

  • Project: COVID-19
  • Date submitted: 2020-10-03 00:00:00
  • Emotional tone: Strongly positive
  • Who should know about this? Everyone, Friends and family, Government, Leaders who make decisions, and My community
  • Is the story health-related? NA

About the Storyteller

  • Community: Lake Worth
  • Age: 18-30
  • Gender: Female
  • Concerns: Health of my friends and/or family, Paying the bills, and Safety of those who can't care for themselves

How the Storyteller Interpreted Their Story

Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.
  • My story shows we need to: --
  • Who my story is about: --
  • Why people acted the way they did: --
  • How people were treated: --
  • In my story, there are: Solutions to problems
  • In my story: I am calm
  • My story shows: I have no control
  • My story teaches us that: The community is vulnerable
  • My story teaches us that: The community is stable
  • My story is about: Hope