Audience: Leaders who make decisions

Sharing purpose.

Now with Coronavirus waking people up and they are more motivated to explore gardening, growing foods and thinking about food and diet as sources of diseases. Because of this, I’ve connected to new people in ways that feels more purpose driven on both sides, which wasn’t necessarily there previously. I hope the motivation lasts.


My brief input about the pandemic is that it has affected me in some way such as not being able to attend my church on Sundays. Not being able to hug my loved ones like I’m used to. Most importantly learning how to adjust to the current normalcy.

No Traveling

It has affected me by the lack of traveling that I could do before the coronavirus. It has also affected me by not being able to take my dog to the dog park. People are not taking the proper procedures and are not wearing protections in local places such as grocery stores.

Cooking Passion

Cooking is a passion of mine that I enjoy. I cook meals for my Church as a volunteer. It has affected my life because I usually cook every Monday and Wednesday for my church and because of the coronavirus I cannot Cook a meal.

Corona Virus Impact

The corona virus has impacted my life by making it difficult to find daily essentials such as toilet paper,paper towels,cleaning supplies and etc. at local grocery stores.The corona virus has also affected me by not allowing me to travel and visit family,go to school or even go to the gym.

N/A (Story #416)

The Corona virus crisis make everyone scare of each other, now most people are unemployed with no income and unable to huge my friend and family. I pray that everything most gone so we can go to our normal life


The coronavirus effects me because I can’t work as much as I used to because I work in the health field and it isn’t safe so I make less money than I used to and also my grandchildren are out of school and they can’t stay home alone.

Ms. Naica Stories

Because of the coronavirus I have to work from home. One of my best friends dad got the virus and its kinda scary to know that someone that I know got the disease.

Concern about the corona virus crisis

This crisis make us scare everyone. We are unable to hug friend and family. This crisis turn the world upside down no one knows when it’s going over

Face masks are sold out

Face masks are sold out in many stores due to the increased number of coronavirus cases in America. I have been trying to find enough face masks for my family, but so are other people who are trying to protect their families as well. I will continue to pray for all of those who have been infected and their families.