The purpose of this memo is to provide a high-level overview of the theory that underlies the Healthier Together and BeWellPBC mini grant activity. This memo won’t dive into the variety of flavors permeating local implementation, the specifics of successful mini grants or the colorful, inspiring people and personalities behind the ideas. The processes have local character, unique ways of celebrating, measuring, awarding, determining, scoring, publicizing their mini grants. This is vibrant territory well worth exploring in future memos.
Category: Article

Measuring and Monitoring ALL That Matters
Performance, measurement and accountability are high priorities on any organisations agenda. The unintended consequences of using targets and KPI’s as measures in complex systems are becoming well recognised.

From Traditional Research to SenseMaker
After engaging in relatively traditional research and evaluation for the past decade, learning about SenseMaker®, a tool and methodology developed by Cognitive Edge, and its complement, the Cynefin framework, involved a significant paradigm shift. Paradigm shifts involve more than a change in thinking. They’re an emotional, gut-level experience.