My husband and I stay home. We are care-takers for my 95 year old mother. After,she was hosptalized for heart failure . She is unable to meet her personal needs. I,often, think of all those in our community who have died of this dreadful virus, We are strong and will stand with our community. My sister attends to the needs of my household. My Mother birth 14 children,
Community: Boynton Beach
#59 They Know They Will Pass
The nation has become unstable. Which is due to a multitude of opinions as to when America should open up for business.You’re unable to go anywhere. I Have lived in my family’s home with my Dad all my life. I am a Middle-School Science Teacher.. Her student population is 94.However,she has only 51 students logging on for distant learning. She saidthey know they will pass this school year.She has some immune issues. So,she has to be extra careful. She is a caregiver for her 81 yr old Father.He has a mild case of dementia and has under gone surgery.
Future not bright
Stressed about the future. America is not handling this well. If something worse happens I’m worried we’ll crumble.
Ms A, is a 91 yr old lady that has some issues sy=tll from the death of her boyfriend of many years.She misses him dearly. She says ,the thought of our nations being caught up in these perilous times is ashame.She rides around the confines of her complex only.She recieves meals from FSF,
Mr Thompson says That he and his Wife aren’t fearful. However,they are witnessing relatives and friends with this fear. The Fear of not knowing how and why is consistently on the World’s mind.He says.people are using the mask and gloves incorrectly. By the way,mrs Thompson is a retired nurse.
#63 I don’t Want to leave This Earth As Is
Mrs Johnson is a 95 yr old and she will be celebrating her 96th next week.She is currently living with her daughter, Recently,she was in the hospital with heart failure.She doesn’t want to leave this earth as it is. Prayer is our only key,she said.On Saturday,her grands,great- grands and great-great grands are planning a ride by in celebration of her 96th birthday.She has no fear and believes that America will be resilient/
I am petrified and overwhelmed about what we have gotten ourselves into. I am a Bahamian and I have been in Boynton Beach for over 50 years. This, I cannot ,fathom. I came here for the best of everything, I do not enjoy cooking, the virus has made eating out a thing of the past. the government should not be opening up pblic gathering spots sos soon at least until most have been tested.
Menace to society (Story #279)
At target, waiting for my grocery order to be put in my trunk. They have a great system. There is a huge sign saying Anyone going in the store must wear a mask. Person after person is entering the store including a woman with a baby in a cart from the parking lot. I asked the staff why they were allowed to do that and she said they couldn’t really enforce it and they are slammed and don’t have time anyway. We don’t know how to behave as a society, these people are so disrespectful to the essential workers in the store
Mrs Taylor boast about her experience with coming to AMERICA FOR A BETTER LIFE FOR herself.She feels like the government on a national level is responsible for this getting out of hand.Testing requirements for all. A stricter stay at home policy and tell the truth to the people that pay taxes!
Ms Cox is 79 yrs old and gives the impression that she does not have a care in this world!She has been back in Boynton Beach from Ft Myers for 8 months, She has been a Mother to her grandson after his mother left him in the hospital 31 yrs ago. He is in need of medical services for him. Since then, his Mother/her daughter has passed. She boldly said to me that I really don’t have any thoughts on this virus, She encountered an amputation(leg) February 17,2020.