Community: Lake Worth

Always forgive those who must be forgiven

Some times I think about the past how It used to be How people treated us cause I was coming up black people told me in lake worth that I wouldn’t be anything cause I was black cause I didn’t have any lack of knowledge , they said hurtful things that hurts till this day

Don’t Hate us

“I had a dream “ I remember when I first heard Dr. king say that it was a peaceful moment everyone was happy sitting there , life was cruel for me coming up We were segregated from different schools we didn’t have Kids in schools that was out color

The Betsey Ida story

In the past half a century the world has transformed, with the advent of the internet, medical advances and leaps forward in social equality.But much subtler changes which only those who lived in past decades can understand have also permeated society.

Stay in school (Story #59)

Well In the city of lake worth I wasn’t always a good kid I used to be in and out of jail when I was young . I played with guns and went back and forth with young gang member The world that we live in today may not be as bad as it was growing up

Don’t be the one

Well coming up in the city of lake worth. I wasn’t Always a girl who had friends No one liked me because of my skin or where I came from they used to pick on me. , call me names , billy me because what I wear and what I language I speak