Have not been able to go to work because of coronavirus
Concern: My child's education
#FedYEC2020 (Story #96)
Can go out with my family like we used to and everytime we do go out we are scared that were going to get the virus
My job is slow ever since the coronavirus occurred
#AnneYEC2020 (Story #110)
Not being able to work full time at work but I stay positive and willing to do anything for my health
The Kids
This has been crazy being stuck at home. I think my kids have had it hardest bc they can’t see their friends or really participate in any activities. The food distributions and community feedings have been awesome. It saves some money from the limited funds that are no longer coming in.
My name is Barbara my 3 children and I have Asthma. My self and 10 year old have chronic asthma. This started for us March 23,2020. Our lives will be changed forever. My job closed its door for a few weeks. I said what would I do now. On top of that We have breathing issues that we go through already sometimes on a daily basis. Due to covid which affects people with asthma. We now have been subject to wear masks and isolate ourselves from our family as well as friends. I started getting panic attacks which have never happened before. I felt scared to leave my home. Fear was taking over. My girls 15 year old and 10 year old started getting panic attacks. In the middle of the night my 15 year old Priscilla would just start crying could not take being closed in our home she could not sleep. We had not seen the streets in weeks except for looking outside the windows. On top of what was already going on a cousin of mine died due to covid she was 44 years old. Mother of 3 children she worked for transit. Hearing people around me getting sick some of my church family getting covid. It hit to close to home. I woke up one night and said enough is enough fear will not control me or my home. I Started praying and asking God to remove any fear I have allowed in my mind out. Out in the name of Jesus. Fear cannot and will not have control over me or my children. For we belong to an Almighty POWERFUL GOD.I had to pray it out. Praise and worship more than ever. Reminding my children that God is in control of it all. Of our lives. He is our provider. The air we breathe. I had to take a stand in my home. I was not alone God was right there. Phil 4 :13 I can do ALL things with CHRIST who strengthen me. I will not be afraid. Peace trust and believe. My children first day out was when I heard a food pantry needed volunteers .I said to myself this is God opening the door for you to be of help and step out in faith knowing God will cover me and my home. We prayed and trusted God and went. So many families in need. People who have lost their jobs. Its real. My 17 year old Jeremias said mom this church is full of love. Pastor Cobb and Lady lisa are amazing I said to him. I cried with them in the car. This was just a way of God reminded me he got it all.
Palm Health story
The request for assistance comes from the lack of funds available to cover the rent due to an injury I suffered and put me out of work for over 3 weeks. I injured my shoulder which left me unable to work and left a big gap in our income. My wife also being pregnant and due to the current pandemic being unable to work, puts us in a tight squeeze in order to make the payment possible. We would kindly appreciate any assistance which can be provided in order to make the payments due. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. We appreciate any help available, thanks.
My Story (Story #945)
This is the story about how my family and I have been affected by covid-19. On July 15, 2020 my wife Carmen Rodriguez, and I Roberto Martinez became sick. We were having high fever, muscular pain, loss of appetite and sense of smell. My wife was getting worst, I had to take her to the emergency room. On July 21, 2020. The doctors diagnosed pneumonia in her left lung and lack of oxygen. The doctors started a treatment on her. Since we do not have any type of health insurance we are drowning in debt. I have been using my savings to cover some of those medical bills. Since I stopped working due to the virus. I havent been able to work for 8 weeks, waiting for my wife to get better. Ive been taking care of my kids. (14, 7 years old). This situation has been very painful, the recovery very slow, but we are positive that things are going to get better and we will be able to go back to work. For now, we need help paying some of our bills. While we can overcome this hardship. Thank you!
Covid 19 impact
Corona virus impacted my life in a major way , 38 weeks pregnant and had no idea I was a victim ! I went to the hospital because of Severe cramps to the stomach and body Aches I knew something wasnt right ! I got admitted to labor and delivery after 13 hours of waiting still not knowing whats wrong but my baby was not accelerating at the correct pace even more nervous I contact my children father because now I feel alone and helpless telling him to pack his bag and the things we will need for the baby. Being that no one is allow to be with you in labor and delivery until your covid 19 test results come back. The nurse called my name and said can you please but your mask all the way on your face, I was a little bother and asked did you get my results and she stated yes and you are positive . Tears rolled down my face thinking how Im so careful all I can think of is giving birth without the father being present my child being took from me immediately after birth as the nurse tell me everything to expect. I was then induced in labor for 16 hours alone in a room no one really wanted to walk in because I had covid 19 could not hold my child, my body started regressing due to stress not knowing if I will be able to come home having a 102 fever body aches restricted to a room alone. I had to fight ! I took honey and lemon, hot tea, hot soup I turned down anything cold, moved around the room as much as I can until I broke my fever and was released. having to stay away from my kids Hurt me more than anything. But I stand with you guys. Covid 19 is no joke and a lot of people dont know that they have been in contact nor have the virus so please stay safe.
I am yvonne fisher. I didn’t think i would live to be 87 years of age. After battling covid19,a few months ago. I spent five(5) days at bethesda west. This virus still has me weak. Mrs fisher has lots of energy to burn. But due to covid19,she is temporarily using a walker for daily exercis. She is a fighter and she has many grandchildren to raise in new york. This lady was use to driving home to new york for family reunions.mrs fisher has a 31 year old chef for a grandson that lives in miami. He shops and prepares all her meals. I deliver a healthy lunch to mrs fisher on wednesday. She is dealing with diabetes and hypertension.