The corona virus had ruined everything literally. I cant work because my job is closed, I feel like the corona will change the world forever and we need to do some thing quick
Concern: My child's education
Give me back my job
I lost my night job. Now I dont know how the bills going to get paid.
N/A (Story #416)
The Corona virus crisis make everyone scare of each other, now most people are unemployed with no income and unable to huge my friend and family. I pray that everything most gone so we can go to our normal life
I’m stuck in North Carolina and can’t travel to Florida to see my family and friends.
Dynamic Pandemic
It made me realize that hard times are real & life is so much more serious.
Senior year ruined
I am so mad that my graduation got ruined. This sucks totally! This virtual graduation ceremony is a bad idea. I rather wait until it is safe to be out again and give us the graduation that we deserve. Thanks Corona for ruining my senior year!
Together Always
My wife, daughter and I spend more time together than ever. Reason being, is that we work together and now with the cancellation of school, my daughter spends the days at work with us. The coronavirus pandemic has not been all bad.
The coronavirus effects me because I can’t work as much as I used to because I work in the health field and it isn’t safe so I make less money than I used to and also my grandchildren are out of school and they can’t stay home alone.
They are a lot of people with out job, food they need help please
The end of the world (Story #411)
Hi My name is Mrs. D corona virus is a devil Its come like a bigger storm. No one got time to save or collect nothing we cant get money to buy things to eat and pay our bills . Because I seating at home I dont know when everything going to be done only God knows.