This virus has made life really boring .
Emotional tone: Neutral
Crazy (Story #111)
Corona has effected my life a lot. I lost my job and money is getting tight.
Don’t Take the Little thing for granted.
The days are just not the same. You think you have time to do it all but when something like this hits, you wonder what have I been doing with my time. The Corona Virus has impacted me in ways that are simple but yet so meaningful at this time. The little things that I take for granted like going to the grocery store or dropping by to get a bite to eat is now obsolete. Social distancing from my family and friends have been the worst. I can’t even see my mom like I want right now for the fear of her getting sick. She has cancer and things have been put on hold for her now due to the epidemic. I am a person that likes to visit me elderly people and I can’t at the moment. Just walking out the door now I am so much more cautious. My neighbor across the street from me would usually come in the yard and now we’re talking at the edge of the driveways. My little cousins that I see day to day, I can’t anymore because I’m trying to keep my distance and follow the rules. My heart goes out to the elderly that don’t have anyone to check on them and the homeless. I want to help my community out so much but at the risk of becoming sick is so scary. I have learned that the things we take for granted should be the ones that we cherish the most because at anytime they can be stripped from us without warning. I miss the kids that I work with as well, all of them, good, challenged and some a little defiant but what I would do to have conversation with them now.
How did we get here?
Space. I need my space. I need space to unwind, to educate my children, to do my work, to support my family, to make space for connections of loved ones. My space has gone from the world to my home. It is constricting, overwhelming, frustrating, scary, fun, new and so much more. There is no normal. The days blend, the hours blend. It could be worse. It is worse for so many others. How can I help but still be true to myself, family and networks? My family needs space.How did we get here?
Hi my name is Darryl Sanders Jr. I am a freelance videographer/photography. I was firstly affected by the closing of venues due to the Corona Virus Outbreak which caused clients to cancel their events therefore forcing me to lose deposits from previously booked event. It has also effected my bookings because no one can have social gatherings for months ahead so i have no source of income to pay my bills at this time. Its also been hard finding groceries and proper sanitation products to keep my environment clean. Also my kids schooling has been effected been effected and i dont feel i could teach them at home as well as they would learn in a class setting. We are just looking forward to all of this getting behind of and going back to our daily lives without fear of leaving our home and contracting a deadly illness.
I live on a limited income. I ran out of food yesterday after going five days of eating only one meal. I have no money or food stamps. I have no car. The bus is my only transportation. I am considered high risk due to underlying health problems. I have no mask or gloves. I am terrified of going out unprotected. Many of the food pantries have closed or I cannot get to them or there are specific instructions on accessing them which I cannot meet. Example: This link came with a notice of a food pantry that will be open today. You have to have a car, you pull up in line, you cannot get out of your car, when your turn arrives you either open your passenger side window or automatically open your trunk, the food will be handed to you or placed in your trunk, then you drive off. Like I said before, I have no car. I have no family or friends who can help me…
My 92 year old father lives with me full time. His daily routine includes exercising in our community pool at the building where we reside. Unfortunately, there are people coming down to Florida on vacation to escape the pandemic up north or for what reason, I am not sure. But what they are failing to realize is they are putting our elderly and compromised at risk. They are not self quarantined. I have been quarantined for several weeks as I have a responsibility to my father and to the other compromised individuals who live in my building to keep them safe. Together we can, divided we fall. It’s disheartening that people are not learning that right now. Secondly, how important is food security right now? How important is it to teach people to grow their own food at their homes right now and if they don’t have a place to grow food, having a community garden where they can get fresh produce and fruit. How important is it to be able to feed people fresh produce from an accessible green space? It is relevant now, more than ever. Now is the time to provide people who are at home with the knowledge and supplies to be able to grow their own food and if they don’t have a home to grow their food, providing a space where they can grow their own food and learn from those who can teach them! Losing resources at any time is difficult but now, when people do need access to fresh produce and tools to help them manage their stress, it is incredibly difficult. And for me, personally, I am three classes away from completing the Mindfulness Training Course and without the tools provided to me through this class, I am not sure how I would be able to manage my own stress and be able to keep my father safe and our staff feeling secure. I am personally grateful for the knowledge our educators provide and am hopeful that we will reach more people and spread this knowledge that does feel so relevant and important during this crisis.
Unemployment shortfalls…
At Macy’s i work on commission… And everyday i must cover my $9.00 an hour draw.. 7 hrs ×9 equals $63 a day that Macys is paying us right now.. I’m one of the lucky ones… That’s $315 minus taxes, fico, and s.s.(at 25 %) equals $227.25 a week… I cannot pay rent food, auto loan, insurance, gas (taking care of mom in Boynton) ,dentist loan, electric, capital 1(when times are tough) and going out( to support our local economy.. Take out etc..)… Made $32,000 in taxable income 1918.. Devided by 50 weeks is $640 per week… Minus taxes etc. Equals $480 after there’s a shortfall of $252.75 or approximately $1008 amonth.. Will unemployment insurance cover any of this?
Missing my Mermaids
I am a Aqua Zumba Dance instructor. Every Sat. I go to 55+ Communities and teach Zumba in the pool. My Mermaids love the class and look forward to it. I feel terrible they are missing maybe the only class they can do. The ages range from 50-90. Hopefully, we can resume the pool classes soon. My Mermaids make me happy and I make them happy.
I need help
Are used to work under the table when I cant work under the table because I have a son and I cant bring him with me that was the extra money to make me get through the whole month Im not good at school work and I have anxiety issues and Im not good at math or anything they gave him less its just really stressing me out and then Im worried about my family health is a lot