Gender: Female

Gail’s Story

the coronavirus has impacted my life because I can hardly work on one of my jobs. Sometimes I my go to peoples houses, sometimes I may go to the nursing homes, and sometimes might go to peoples houses. So, It was too much of a risk for me to hold onto that job for now because I have to be home with my grandchildren that I am taking care of right now, and as y’all know there is no school. So, I have to stay home with my grand kids most of the time. Sometimes I go to my private case which my private case told me that I didn’t have to go because she was more concerned because I had my grand kids and she didn’t want me to catch anything, but I still go every once in a while.

Working from Home

I am a first year Elementary Education major at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and when the Coronavirus was first talked about we (the students) thought nothing of it. Then the week before spring break, the university’s president announced that students were supposed to stay home until April 5th to ensure no one would bring the Coronavirus to the Campus. Within the second week of staying home he announced that students could no longer come back in Campus unless it was to move out of their dorms. So, now it has been almost two months since I have been self distancing and it has been the most boring thing I have ever gone through. Living in Florida means that I have been through Hurricanes, but the Epidemic is like a hurricane that does not show rather it is done or not. Taking college classes is already a hassle, and adding online lecturing and tons of homework does not make it any better. You have to worry about your life and also worry about your assignment that is due at 5:30. I have never been more grateful for the library until now. I cannot focus working in the luxury of my home, my ideas become jammed and procrastination always sounds like a better option. God has blessed my mother with pay from home, so that has decreased my worrying. I regret taking my freshman college experience for granted, and I wish I could rewind time to go back.

Corona vs bills

It impacts my life with my bill without my job I have to find away to pay all my bills that’s the point of me getting a job to pay bill

Life of virus

This crazy virus impact my life so much until it made my life a little miserable. To the point I wouldn’t even see how it feels to graduate high school in my cap and gown after all the hard work and test I have been taking to get where I need to be now I feel like everything in my power wasn’t worth it all those night I stayed up studying and working on homework

Social Distancing, Telecommuting and learning new virtual platforms/skills

I have been practicing social distancing and telecommuting for about 6 weeks now. I have learned new skills and tried virtual programs I had never used before to continue work with my colleagues and participate in virtual meetings via Zoom, Microscoft Teams, and Amazon Chime. I have not gone to visit my parents that are elderly in Orlando to not put them in risk. I do miss them, but we have been able to keep in touch via calls and Zoom/Facetime. These are uncertain times… it’s hard to plan large meetings and events not knowing what things will be like in the next 6 months or even year. It seems some people are taking it seriously and others brushing it off / thinking it’s all an overreaction – that social distancing is doing more harm than good to people’s lives/economy. I wish everyone could be on the same page so we can stay safe and hopefully overcome this sooner than later.

What love Is?

The coronavirus has made me appreciate how valuable life is. Never before this generation experience a global pandemic of this magnitude. We can’t take for granted the seriousness of is situation we are in. To see health workers risk their lives to save others is truly a real expression of love. It must affect them emotionally, pysocologically as well as the fear,concern and anxiety it causes their family. The story of the Doctor facing a custody battle to keep her child in her life is heartbreaking. Yet she is willing to still put forth the effort to help others.

High school

How this corona virus impacted my life it impacted my life cause it stoped the education that I needed I would never feel to see how it feel to walk on a high school graduation stage I would never even feel successful about high school because the virus took Track & field away from me

“Corona Changes”

I’ve become more cautious about what I touch and I even started washing my hands more than I usually do .

Athletes need justice

My name is coach Walker I can say that this virus has impacts a whole lot .Also I’m a track coach for Fast lane track club . I train my athletes for them to compete on a beat level also to get them into a d1 college what that being said I can’t even train them anymore and they all depends on me wow man what a life that sucks I can’t help my athletes out .

Bad virus

By impacting my education also playing football doing what I do and love best