Gender: Male

My story (Story #NA)

When corona first started i had to start working 1 day a week because my store was slow, the only reason i was able to provide for me and my kids was because of my boyfriend lyfe , but on October 10, 2020 he was shot and killed , the person who killed him didn’t know lyfe it was wrong place wrong time , its been almost 2 months since then and now day by day i have to struggle to put food on the table for my kids or how im going to pay the bills . Before lyfe died i never had to pay a bill before . I got more hours at my job now but i’ve been looking for a second job but its really hard getting hired because of corona . The only thing i fear now is my kids thinking im a bad person because i can’t provide for them like how i use to.

#2020 (Story #88)

Something I’ve witnessed in 2020 is riots and people dying because of in COVID-19

#2020 #covid-19

In 2020 coronavirus cases went up I even know someone personally that tested positive for corona.


I personally seen my church help out tons of people every week with a good pantry . I feel like we all have to think about others in the pandemic. And we will overcome it by the grace of God

Palm Health story

The request for assistance comes from the lack of funds available to cover the rent due to an injury I suffered and put me out of work for over 3 weeks. I injured my shoulder which left me unable to work and left a big gap in our income. My wife also being pregnant and due to the current pandemic being unable to work, puts us in a tight squeeze in order to make the payment possible. We would kindly appreciate any assistance which can be provided in order to make the payments due. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. We appreciate any help available, thanks.

Covid Affects

Because of the covid situation I, I have been forced to move out of my home due to the lack of steady income. I went from making $800 a week to $350 every two weeks. I have went from a stable home to not knowing where i’m going to sleep every night. It has really been tough because I have 4 kids that depend on me. Ages 11, 10, 7 and 9 months. Due to the fact that I don’t have reliable transportation, its makes it even harder to find a better job or resources that can help me climb out of my situation.

Trusting God through it all.

Corona virus has impacted my life for the bad as well as the good. I’ve been out of work twice and hours have been cut. Me being a felon makes it even harder due to jobs being limited which had me wondering how would I pay bills and take care of my responsibilities. Now I’m witnessing my little cousin who has asthma suffer greatly which is hurting my heart. Despite the bad that has occurred the one good thing that has happened to me, is me witnessing how good God is. He has shown me all I ever have to do is trust in Him and He will provide and make ways for me when all else seems impossible. I also was able to reevaluate myself with the time I had when I wasn’t working. I’ve made some changes that were needed and was unaware I even had. I’ve Had time to focus on my organization I plan on starting and was even able to do a lot of work around the house I normally wouldn’t have time for. Its scary with all those going on, anything can happen anytime to anyone but God is good and able.