Gender: Male

Menace to society (Story #279)

At target, waiting for my grocery order to be put in my trunk. They have a great system. There is a huge sign saying Anyone going in the store must wear a mask. Person after person is entering the store including a woman with a baby in a cart from the parking lot. I asked the staff why they were allowed to do that and she said they couldn’t really enforce it and they are slammed and don’t have time anyway. We don’t know how to behave as a society, these people are so disrespectful to the essential workers in the store


I am a working man .This virus and the neglect that proceeded it is not right. This has cost everyone living in America. I value every word repeated by the government. I adhere to the stay at home laws.America has rose to this terrible virus. It is deadly!

#60 He Leans On His Own Understanding

Ms Sullivan’s story is reflected in her dad’s name SOLOMAN MACK.Mr. Mack has been diagnosed with Dementia for a couple of years.He still has a sense of humor and very opinionated.He has been at the V.A. and JFK hospitals for surgery, He is now home thriving .He does have some issues he says with going out.However,he still continues to play checkers with the neighbors as he always has.’HE LEANS ON HIS OWN UNDERSTANDING OF THE VIRUS. He takes walks every morning.As a way,to receive his therapy. The physical therapist isn’t coming anymore due to the virus..

#57 Trying to make ends with 3 jobs

You don’t know who has the Corona Virus that’s the scary part!My daughter and I are adhering to the ordinances that nave been set.Not everyone is wearing protection and being careful.My employment has diminished with the Church ,crossing guard and the Senior program,Trying to make ends with 3 jobs , it is devastating and scary, Now,I don.t have one job!


At my home,we have been preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. My house is petrified of the effects of this Virus. we are confined only to the perimeters of our home. In February,we made sure that my daughter (who lives elsewhere),Mother-in-Law and Nephews were taking care of with all the cleansers,disinfects, and supplies needed for a pandemic as discussed with us by my brother-in-law that lives in England.Remember our national leader says that this is a HOAX.


This is terrible at my age (81 yrs old). Our national leader spent a month talking about it was a democratic hoax. We miss our meals because that was only time we went out. We got food today at the Mall. from FSF

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #255)

The pandemic Corona Virus has made it extremely hard to experience the typical senior year and college life . It has made income shorter due to closing of jobs .

Something Scary

The coronavirus has impacted my life in a terrible way. Many if my friends and loved ones are unemployed due to the Coronavirus and are forced to adjust to a different lifestyle.

Got me a job

The virus has impacted me in a good way sort of . I have found a job at a warehouse due to the need for workers and is waiting on a stimulus check.