This pandemic has made me grateful for the technology in our lives Today! The ability to text ,face time and message at a more matured age has certainly been a blessing. This may encourage more Seniors to become more technical at least with their phones.. I have been able to stay in communication with my 99 yr old Mother in an assisted living facility in Colorado. We.all understand, that there is no entering nursing/assisted living facilities at this time. He would like to one day show gratitude to those essential workers in grocery stores,banks ,restaurants and nursing homes who have tried to make this experience safe. He feels as though the pandemic has made more people say Thank You! Hope keeps us moving forward. We cannot control IT!
Gender: Male
The virus has impacted my life by not allowing me to go anywhere. I have things to do and was planning on moving to Gainesville but now its all on a stand still due to the fact that everyone has to stay home.
Easter church service
Due to the corona virus they have shut down all the churches to practice social distancing . Today was easter and for the first time in my life I wasnt able to go to church service.
Stay in the house
Due to the virus i have to stay in the house like everyone should be doing. Im over 70 years old so its not safe to be out and about. I just hope these young folks listen and stay inside so it can go away fast.
Mu Mother is 86 yrs of age. She is currently in a nursing facility in New Jersey. It is a relief. She is unable to facetime nor text me . I yearn to hug her and visit with her. Bringing her all of her hearts desires to the facility. I speak with by phone 3 to 4 times per day. I am under quarantine per my doctor due to me helping other elders by transporting them to the hospital for care and church attendance. This has hindered me from ordering food from the grocery stores and getting prepared meals. The prepared meals received are delectable and an added blessing. My gym has closed where i am paying for a membership that I am unable to use. Dr.’s appointments have been cancelled so my health maybe at risk or in a deficiency. I,no longer, can help the elders in my apartment complex. as a result of my quarantine.
I never thought that I would have to be in protective gear like gloves,facial covering to run to the grocery to pick-up a few items and to come home an cautiously take off all the clothing you wore to the grocery store and disinfect your car, home and more importantly your body after arriving back from the grocery or any place else. This is like a nightmare that could have been avoided by all leaders agreeing to freeze the movement of its people in a timely manner.
In my 83 year of living, I have never known so many people that I have a connection with dying from this virus. Ii appears that the government knew of this pandemic way before now. The whole country should have been shut-down months ago. I am unable to get around like I once did, My wife and I are miserable with the company we use to receive on a daily basis. She is one of the best cooks around. So we always had folks stopping in on us. I miss that! However, if we must go out we do not have the crowded highways and by-ways to manuever through. We are unable to have our Yard Sales because this help us earn extra money being on a fixed income with no pension.
#6 Prepared Meals
The virus has not given me an opportunity to visit my wife my of over 40 years. SO.i must solely depend on the nursing facility to care for her, not being able to lay my eyes on her is very frustrating for her as well as for me. I, not only miss her, voice but her gently calling my name and praying with her, This virus should be calm by now. But the leadership of this country is does not place value on our lives. I.must depend on charitable organizations for prepared meals and it is a mystery to know who has and who does not have the virus, I depended on an organizatipn but now they no longer exist.
Handling adversity as a start up non-profit
Covid-19 has been a tough on All Nets Inc, we were just beginning to gain traction with our tutoring and mentoring program, and a week into our pilot Palm Beach County Schools began school closures. This immediately put our basketball clinic and celebration with Healthier Glades risk and set us up for a much more strife when it was officially cancelled. Months of planning and preparation were reduced to nothing. We are trying to stay positive, and find ways to still complete our mission, and still looking at ways in which we can build a tutoring and mentoring program that will not be affected by contact restrictions in our communities, because even though we are not in school there is no school, there is still a need to be in our children’s ears, and providing positive content and a positive message. We intend to find a way to facilitate this before this quarantine is up. These trying circumstances are just a test of your mission and a test of your resolve. We have to be innovative in the ways we rebuild. It take resilience, innovation, and a refusal to quit on your business whether we are able to get financial assistance or not there is always a way forward and we have to find it, because like all things this too shall pass.
The walk of biblical Faith
Absolutely everything is turned up side down!!! An entirely new and different way of life!!! But because I am by the grace of God well learned considerably in scripture I am not alarmed none what so ever and that is the gospel truth!!!