I lived a long time and 2020 was by far the most crazy year i ever seen. Things changed quick and being that im a little older i have to move different so i dont come down with covid-19
Gender: Male
Living in 2020 was different and everyone had to adapt to the change quickly.
Living through 2020 was a wake up call. The things I thought i was doing that was important really wasnt so important at all.Unemployment has hit America hard.
Covid-19 (Story #66)
Personal experience from covid-19 was my senior year was canceled. Things was going so well and all of a sudden the world shut down.
Stay woke
I believe that 2020 was planned and everything that is going on nobody has any care for the poor. Its just the beginning wait until they start trying to inject us
I haven bee. Through a lot cling you have been rob by the police beat up and lot of many thing that’s not worth talking about but it’s time for a chase
Mr lloyd sukhu is from bengali. He lives with his wife maywantie. Mr lloyd will be celebrating his 76th birthday september 28th.he and his family moved to boynton beach 20 years ago. He received a triple by pass about 3 years ago. He and his wife now babysit their beautiful grandboy with lots of humility. The suhku believe that his virus came as apunishment from the creator.
One of the most tragic and scary is the fact that we cannot visit loved ones. Loved ones that are in hospitals dying,dis-eased and families that cannot lay their eyes on those that are hospitalized.
That black lives really do matter…Everyone coming together against racism.covid-19 has had an impact on families that do not spend time together.
Live in the present!
Never take life for granted. 2020 changed drastically within a month, due to Covid 19.