This virus has been nothing but trouble. It seems like i cant get nothing right in life at the moment. But ill keep on praying and have faith its going to get better
Gender: Male
Corona really sucked and its keeping my family out of work and me away from football I feel like my life is ruined.
Corona virus has sent all my friends back home since I am from where my school is. We didnt get to have a graduation but other than that everything is still normal here people arent even worried about covid anymore
Since the virus hit, my life has been pretty chill. I workout when i want and dont have to wake up early to do so. I dont have no one yelling in my face. The only downfall is that I cant play football right now.
I like the break the virus has created. Yet I do miss football but Im glad we got this break so i can just vibe
I get to spend more time with my dad, who played the position i play. This gives us more time to bond and a chance for me to learn.
Covid 19 has allowed to do something I wanted to do for awhile, and that is get a job. The reason I wanted one is because there is a lot of stuff I want but it is not going to come for free. I could ask my mom but I don’t like the feeling. So now I can provide for myself and her a little.
It has allowed me to better myself physically mentally and spiritually.
Triple C
Only thing or way corona virus has effected me is by having me work from home which is harder for me because I lose focus but hopefully we can get a cure and everything opens back up
No Schooling
Now I focus only football, cause i dont have any classes. If there wasnt Covid, Ill prolly be in summer school right.