Corona virus has ruined everything for me literally, parents cant work so idk how we are going to get money and I am away from school so Im not doing what I love most
Health related: NA
Corona cant stop me
Surprising corona havent stopped anything for me besides being at actual school with my teammates, I still workout everyday and travel
I feel like corona is the least to be worried about right now, I am taking this time to prepare my body for when football comes back but I feel like racism is the main problem in todays society
Praying that a change is going to come!!!
Since the pandemic began it’s truly been hard on myself and family these past several months. Before the covid-19 I recently received not 1 but 2 parttime jobs with the Palm Beach County School District. Now I’ve been unemployed since March 13, 2020 all due to that all schools are closed due to this pandemic. Immediately after we were notified that we were going to be unemployed I reached out to all my bill collectors notifying them that I was currently let go due to the pandemic. They said it was fine whenever I can pay just submit a payment. In April we all received a stimulus check, and that helped for a months worth of bills. Im still praying for the second stimulus to be approve, but I really believe that that check is null and void. In Oct of 2019 I started the Circles Program. This program is geared more towards family in poverty and helping them get out of poverty. This program teaching us life skills, community building, becoming apart of a sisterhood and being a leader. Since I started this program they have been a big help with giving us the proper resources to use to get all the help we need thru these trying times. We usually meet every Thursday evening, but since the pandemic it has forced to meet video chat since then. I’m so glad that our coaches didn’t give up on us during these times, because this give us a little normality even thou were seeing each other on video. Also seeing the coaches and leaders puts a smile on my face and takes the stress off of me. I try not to worry but the truth of the matter is bills do not stop, but my finances did! Thank the Lord that state up our food stamps to the max. And I’m grateful that we been receiving free food weekly, so I can still feed my family. I filled out for unemployment but that’s still not enough! I have a car payment, car insurance, internet so that my children can do their school work, phone bill, light, water , mortgage and let’s not forget that I still need side money personal hygiene, wash detergent, bleach and etc. Im praying for a miracle and keeping faith that this will end soon so things can get back to normal. Or I’m hoping for a big miracle because I really can’t afford to lose anything I work so hard for. Praying that a change is going to come!
I’m talking about essential paces not the beach!
Ms Earlina Hollis has been a native of Boynton Beach for the past 71 years. She is the 4th oldest of 13 siblings. Her mother,Eva Hollis 96 , also lives in Boynton Beach. Ms Earlina, quickly stated, that they are opening up too soon and my fear is that the virus will come back with a vengeance!I don’t own a car and I walk to my Mom’s every morning to prepare her breakfast. This corona virus is very serious, We must give it time to heal. Get out when you need to and do not go anywhere if you don’t need, I’m talking about essential places not the beach! We,all know,someone who has died from this corona virus! Ms Hollis could certainly use a bike! Maybe even a three wheel cycle.
Family time (Story #734)
The Corona virus has gave me an opportunity to work from home, this time has let me spend more time with my family.
Juanita Marshall grew up in Delray Beach and moved to Boynton Beach appx. 5 years ago. She appears to have missed her belated Mother enormously. She has two sons that live with her . One son,Chris has been diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis. He oldest son, Todd ,has gotten a full-time with WM after he worked faithfully for years at a temp agency. This has helped lessen the families financial burdens. It was years ago, that we assisted this family with furnishings,towels and bed sheets after they were infested with bedbugs. The bedbugs started as, Chris,the younger son, would cipher through trash piles in the neighborhood bringing items home. to decorate his room. The rental apartment has two bedrooms. Juanita has some issues of her own. She doesn’t socialize ever. So the virus has been nothing out of the norm except attending Church. Referred to FSF,
Donald is also a native to Boynton Beach. And all of his siblings live in the city( a party of 5).The virus really shook me up .you need a mask everytime to dart the door. There is no cure in sight and once there is it will need to be tested. How long? This virus reminds me of the escription from the Bible of Leprosy. PEOPLE ARE AFRAID TO COME AROUND EACH OTHER.You have to look at it like everyone has it.Donald says he is 62 years of age and lost a decent paying job. And my savings is taking a hit! T! Imagine the people who were just told to leave due to the virus and needed every dime to live in the NOW!I need monies for rent and water. Still awaiting a word from DEO.
#8 I’m not scared…Just be smart…Don’t ignore it!
In 2013,Mr& Mrs Cotant moved to Boynton Beach from Winters in Vermont. It was January 27,2020,that Pam’s husband transitioned. This has left an everlasting void in her life after 27 years of marriage.Pam says she has takes the COVID19 serious especiallu after watching the nightly news. She does not frequent any stores (shops on- line at Walmart).just the post office where I only drop letters.Late in the afternoons ,I spend time on my patio with a couple of friends.I keep myself occupied with Tai Chi (zooming through the Area Agency). In talking with my adult son, his friends have lost grandparents.And my neighbors have lost long time friends. She doesn’t take Trump seriously The election is not coming soon enough!! However, We must be mindful of always wearing a mask in public places as so many Asian countires have used this technique to keep the virus away. I am not scared ….Just be smart…don’t ignore it!
My New Pass Time
Have found myself using much of the spare time cutting out patterns to make masks.