Hope: --

Introduced to the COVID-19

I decided to take a mental health week away from work. During that time I took a brisk walk several days,. Although I felt a bit winded I contributed it to being out of shape. I heard about this out of control virus going on in the world but didn’t think much of it. I began feeling symptoms of some kind of ailments. My PCP. He prescribed me a Z-pack and encouraged me to drink a lot of liquids. I developed some new symptoms seemingly designated as the COVID-19 virus growing every day like gossip all over the world. My Mother was fearful that I was extremely infirmed like never before. I had trouble breathing. I had a sore throat. I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I had no appetite. I had no strength. The chit chat flooding my surroundings was all about this virus and my need to get tested. I did and the results were Positive. The protocol of this outcome was to be quarantined to my room for at least two weeks.

#5 What Car Parade?

It is with great delight that I bring back Mrs Lovenia Corbin and her father,Elmore McCray. Mr McCray celebrated 95 years of life on May 14th with a parade of cars cruising by his home on Saturday the 16th and blowing cars horns to the max! Lovenia asked her Dad on Sunday,Dad did you enjoy the parade of cars for your birthday,Mr McCray answered , what car parade?He did not remember the car parade sadly she said. But.he remembered his girlfriend not being their!!! She does spray her furniture with lysol after she goes out,leaves her shoes at the door(i admit to this) and wiping each doorknob and high touched items in the home(i admit to this also).Lovenia has s fear of exposing her father to this deadly virus. Mrs Corbin is requesting wipes,mask and hand sanitizer.

#4 The Only sure thing about the Virus is that it Kills

Mrs Arvila says that her life has been affected minimally by the COVID19. But,I am not as educated as I would like to be on the virus itself. But,what I do know that if we adhere to the ways referenced to US the spread would be difficult to transmit.Like wearing or not wearing your mask . ALOT OF PEOPLE THESE DAYS ARE NOT WEARING THEM. Perhaps,the community needs to give them away freely. Because .this can affect all of us in the community. We must stay on the same page especially the elderly like myself. I have shared foods that others brought to me. And they said we would hug when the virus is gone. Mrs Arvila says when she hears of the death toll and people who survived The only thing I know for sure about the COVID19 …Is that it kills! Mrs Jones shares her residence with her 63 yr old son ,Chris , . Her Dad,Denver Girtman, owned one of the first grovery stores in the African-American neighborhood.

#3 She is still reeling from its affect

Patrick talked about the wait time for Boynton Beach to become a testing site, The wait time he felt was ridiculous especially because it is considered to be a hotspot. One spot was hot for one too many deaths. He blames the local and state government for its response time, Patrick was ruled negative on his COVID19 testing. He drove an 85 year old neighbor to the hospital with a slight case of the virus in March. She is still reeling from its affects. The price of meat has sharply gone wild. And it has affected his ability to purchase it. Patrick Kelly is a native of New Jersey. and he retired in 2014. He frequents New Jersey to visit his Mother who resides in a Assisted Living Facility. Patrick talks to her probably two to three times daily. His Mother,Mrs. Betty, is a lady in her 90’s.

The Glades (Story #659)

Coronavirus has put a big outbreak in my community stores shops restaurants even stores have been closed are still open and not in close in early I really feel like to my community is losing a lot of money quarantine it is not the best way to go right now we are not pointing in the right way I think we should come together as a community to talk to each other they find out a better solution I have you go about this coronavirus I truly believe that we need to find a better solution because we have a large number of cases just being a small town of Florida Glade

Corona (Story #655)

Coronavirus has any impact in my community a lot shops stores restaurants has been closed things are starting to open it slowly but they still going back a lot a bit cases work

Making the best of it

As a college student majoring in research biology and chemistry, classes are only a small part of my college career. What really separates you from others in the research world, especially in the sciences, is the hands-on experience you gather working in various laboratories and internships. Because of this, the pandemic has completely stalled my progress. I was unable to complete the hands-on research I started this semester, and I couldn’t finish the programs I had started in Student Government either. Additionally, my summer plans went upside down when the summer research internship that I was accepted to cancelled their program for the summer, putting me out of a perfect summer job (I would have gotten valuable experience, as well as reliable pay). In short, what was looking like my most productive semester to date became my least productive to date, and my summer plans have shifted to taking classes only out of a lack of options. I’m also at an impasse because all of the work I started earlier in the spring is unfinished. However, this was the stage of my college career where I was going to focus more time to my research than student government and other extra-curricular. I have too much piled up to do both, so I’ll have to cancel things. My plans for the fall are also up in the air. The original plan was that my college dorm-mates and I would look for an apartment for the upcoming school year, building up some independence and saving some money in the process. However, due to the pandemic we are unsure as to whether an apartment is a good idea, since classes could be moved to distant learning like they were this spring, and we would be stuck paying for an apartment when we could live at home. Personally, without the financial support of the internship, I had to ask my family for help In paying for an apartment during an already trying year for them. We’re waiting on news now about what strategies universities will employ in the coming fall so we can reopen the search for an apartment knowing the current risks. The good news is, the free time staying at home has helped me develop as a person instead of a scholar. The typical rigors of college coursework and extra-curricular usually distances you from developing practices like cooking, financials, and self-care that help you function better as a human being. I’ve spent some of this time developing those skills and connecting with my family.

COVID-19 Loss

I have had to move from Florida to a location a 1000 miles away because of COVID-19. I lost my home and my friends with less than 1 weeks notice. I was unable to walk across the stage. I was unable to deliver the graduation speech I was voted for by my peers. I was unable to say goodbye to the advisors I’ve adored so much. I lost the last two months of my senior year. I lost my favorite job as a teaching assistant and never really got to say goodbye to the lab that I feel in love with over the years. COVID-19 took a lot from me.

#2 My Wife and I are awaiting the arrival of our FIRST STIMULUS

My Wife and I are awaiting the arrival of our FIRST stimulus payment with alot of anxiety.Some people are now waiting on the SECOND stimulus! Our income together does not exceed $800.00 per month. I was a concrete finisher and i was one of the best. I am an 83 year old man .And I still go out with contractors,when they give me the nudge. They,all.know me! I cannot afford to stop working completely. My wife deserves so much more. Booker and Geneva Wilkins told the world about their undying LOVE on June 26,1954 @ 4:00pm in Cordele,Georgia. They are the parents of 5 boys with only 2 living. The boys try to help them as much as possible. Mr. Booker is in need of a steering wheel pump for his little red truck which cost @ $175.00 with labor.


Getting to the point, Mr Drayton lost his job during the height of this epidemic(April 3rd last day). His job of 7 years emerged with another company,. He had been promised an employment opportunity with the new company but to no avail. I was shocked to learn at the last minute/day,I wasn’t going to be hired. Now, I work 4 hrs per day Mon-Fri at the local church that my daughter and I attend/participate. The church is helping by giving me these 20 hours a week. I am a Single Parent of a 16 year old daughter. Her name is Bianca.She is an honor student with intentions of matriculating at an HBCU upon graduating with the class of 2022. She boasts an GPA of 3.80. I have had custody of my daughter since she was three. I need help with my $1350.00 a month lease!